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SD had dad snowballed

Happycamper's picture

If you have been following my blog, you know what I have been dealing with. I knew deep down in my heart that DH would never believe what act his precious Soon to be 19 year old puts on. This past week has been a hard one for us. I had a serious health scare. I don’t want to go into too much detail just to keep my privacy on here in case he ever found this page. But anyway, it was serious, yes I could have died and I’ve been laid up. Many friends have been checking on me, etc. Neigher SD has even bothered to send a text like hope you’re feeling better or any. We are talking soon to be 19 and 16 year olds. DH has been home all week with me until Friday. Well SD19 decides she needs to spend the night to spend time with daddy. She doesn’t really say anything to me. It’s so awkward with her. I try starting a conversation saying your dad just went back to work and she says I’m glad that he did. I’m sure he was going crazy around the house. Ok then. Fast forward to the morning. I’ve always told y’all how SD acts like an angel when DH is in the room but when he’s not, she refuses to speak to me. She won’t even answer me when I talk to her. This morning he was in the bathroom and she came in and said nothing. I said “good morning!”  She said nothing. I repeated it again. Good morning! Her response was “where’s my dad?” Honestly it pissed me off. She always disrespectful to me when he’s not around. I know my husband though. He thinks she’s a complete angel. I had not much to say when he came back into the room. A little later when we were getting dressed DH said “boy, you sure don’t have anything to say to “angel”.  I just let it fly out. I’m kind of pissed off with her. He asked why and I told him. First he tried to argue and say she did tell me good morning. He was in the back of the house and could have never heard it. If he heard two of them, he heard me saying it twice but I know for a fact you can’t hear back there. He then said, my daughter would never do that. Really??? She is being a little demon right now. She’s been insisting that her mom break up with her boyfriend of 4 years because she doesn’t like him. She’s jealous ! She still wants to sleep in bed with mommy and she is a mini wife to daddy. I knew it would happen but it still floors me that he didn’t believe me!!!! Why in the heck would I lie about that???


GoingWicked's picture

My SD did this at like 8 or 9 (and it’s not only me, she refuses to greet anyone she doesn’t feel like greeting).    However, if my DH doesn’t greet her like Mickey Mouse every time she enters the room (that’s what he sounds like) she complains. 

I just stopped greeting her.

You aren’t obligated to be kind and courteous to someone that doesn’t want nor appreciate it.  You don’t have to make small talk, you don’t have to be cheery.   Ignore her until she can be kind, and absolutely stop the petty he said she said arguments with DH.  They get you nowhere.  Save it for something big.

Happycamper's picture

DH seems to think I should always be trying with his kid. He told her last week he wouldn’t be with someone if they didn’t like his kids. To me that’s giving her ammunition to keep playing these games. No I shouldn’t be forced to act nice knowing how she is when he walks out of the room. I hate this. 

advice.only2's picture

My SD pulled this crap, my DH refused to believe that she never spoke to me.  One day he was home and I was talking to her while she stared deaf and mute....DH came in the room and she smiled and answered me...too late DH had been standing around the corner and witnessed it all.  He read her the riot act and within an hour it was back to the same crap. 

Jcksjj's picture

My SD didnt do this to me but she did it to my son who is in the same grade as her. Her teacher last year said she finally started saying hi to him in response in the hallways and stuff toward the end of the year - this was in first grade. This 19 year old is literally acting like a first grader. She may not be fully mature but shes far beyond old enough to learn to be at least polite. Also I know how annoying it is to have DH always defend SD. Mine takes criticism of SD as criticism of him so he gets super defensive. He shouldn't, she a miniature of her mother but he still does. Sorry you have to deal with that crap and I hope you are feeling better healthwise.

CLove's picture

Record her. Although theres no way to predict what DH will do if faced with the truth. Many folks cant accept it when the truth hits them with a baseball bat.

Hopefully you arent doing for her at all. Anyone that is desrespecting me in my home will hear about it. A the basic minimum, greetings and acknowledgement. 

Getting nanny cams will help you "out" her.

Siemprematahari's picture

Honestly it pissed me off. She always disrespectful to me when he’s not around.

^^^^^^^^ Stop talking and acknowledging her. If she's not making an effort or showing an interest why should you? Focus on your health and taking care of you. Don't invest any energy in people who can care less if you're well or not.