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OT-autistic 11yr old missing? 1/2 brother did it? odds are yes...

herewegoagain's picture

So, anyone following this. I just read about it, so sorry if I am very late lol

Seems like another case of "1/2 brother is jealous of younger kids Dad had..." scary...I would NEVER leave my son with his 1/2 sister...never.
I watched her like a hawk when she was over...For those of you whose crazy skids have said such crazy things about your kids, watch them, never trust them...better safe than sorry.


myspoonistoobig's picture

Resentment maybe, but I can't imagine a 16-year-old being jealous of an 11-year-old with a developmental disability.


There are a lot of details missing from this story at this point.

herewegoagain's picture

Most are jealous of the attention they receive...

PS - call it whatever you may, I hope if this idiot did it, he rots in jail or better yet, society gets rid of him

myspoonistoobig's picture
