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OT-loving ourselves, taking care of US!

herewegoagain's picture

I remember the years I was consumed with crazy witch...the time I spent thinking I was too skinny and then I was too fat...the stress of child support, the preggo 16yr old...

And then I got sick...very sick...I caught MRSA...I was in the hospital and almost lost my took a couple of months to get back to normal. Then, around Christmas the MRSA reared it's ugly head again...after some antibiotics I developed a life threatening allergic reaction...I am still getting medical care...

Now, the worries of crazy seem unimoprtant. Being skinny or fat even less. I now have to constantly see the ugly huge scar on my leg...and wear enough hairspray so the nickel sized bald spot on my head is not noticed.

I now could care less about crazy witch or 16yr old baby mamma in 9th grade...much less about being skinny or fat...I have a constant reminder everyday when I look at myself of what really matters. What matters is taking care of ourselves! Not allowing others to interfere in our well-being by stressing out so much that our health immune system was very weak from the stress, from not eating right because I couldn't think...and sometimes because I wanted to look better.

Please take a look at yourselves & your life...and know you must find peace and let your husbands deal with their own it for your bio-kids! But most of all, for YOU! We only live once...don't stress over the ex's & their kids...spend the time finding the peace that YOU deserve!


ddakan's picture

I can appreciate your post! I got so unhealthy dealing with constant B.S. I am finally taking some time for ME. I love it, I may never go back to the old me!!!

I got so bad that they were testing me for cancer because my immune system/white blood cells were so low. I stopped the major stress stuff and bounced back.

My skids can kiss my a_ _. I'm done worrying about them.

young_step_mom's picture

Thank you for posting this! I am beginning to make myself physically sick whenever I even think about BM, and you are right about taking time for me and not letting myself get caught up in her crap. This relationship is mine and DH's ONLY, and I shouldn't let SS or E.T. become an issue in our relationship or my life. THANK YOU!