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Update on preggo 15yr old & school

herewegoagain's picture

Looked at school records today...she has 13 unexcused abscences just this semester! About 8-10 excused abscences! In order to get credit for courses/semester she has to attend at least 90% of semester & she is already over the 10% permitted just w/unexcused...she also has a 54 in English 8th grade & TX requires passing English & Math in 8th grade or she must repeat a grade. She is already 15 & in 8th...

I have a feeling she is not living w/her mother & possibly w/baby daddy...since a post in Dec from him said "my mom said you can live w/us"...yet other later posts show "going to bed w/the babe now..."

Texas requires cs to 18 or graduation from hs. whichever is later...

Anyone know if DH can get custody if she is not living w/BM but rather w/boyfriend?
I think if there's a chance for that she might be better off getting married w/BM's consent just to avoid having to live w/her father which won't put up w/her bs...

Also, can DH call cps on BM for not ensuring her daughter goes to school? I told DH he should attempt that first, but give crazy witch a heads up and she might just get her married to avoid having CPS on her butt...

Anyone in Texas that has had experience w/getting cs stopped or child emancipated or custody removed because of similar issues?


DISbelief's picture

In California the answer to all of your questions is YES, and do it quick! That is his child, he can fight for custody even if she is living with the freakin President of the United States. Not sure about Texas though... sorry :?


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

herewegoagain's picture

I know she needs help...we live out of the US, so I wonder...also she has written on her myspace page "f%#< you dad, stop trying to tell me what to do!", we now live w/his parents in a separate rental house they have, but it's tiny...about 800sq ft (thx to the cs mess we were forced to do this to get back on our feet)...anyway, she has written DH's sister that lives here too that she is a "bi^£~< and to f^€} off"....her maternal grandmother lives less than a mile away, so I wonder if we even have a chance & how much more we would be impacted as my son is autistic & can't deal w/lots of stress around him...sigh...

I feel we are just at a loss either way here...DH must work & it would be me dealing w/her bs...and since she is preggo, & baby father lives in TX the courts might let her continue her nightmare & we pay for BM's lousy parenting...

CadysMommy313's picture

In WV they would give you automatic custody if they found she wasn't living with BM and was living with BF at age 15...........Truancy officers would pick her up also

bearcub25's picture

Why doesn't your DH at least file the papers. I don't know if you all want her living with you but at least he can maybe get the courts to drop CS since she is not living with BM. There is no reason BM should be allowed to spend that money for her own gain.