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Great facebook post by ssstb15...

hismineandours's picture

So this past week I was purusing facebook-saw a great post by ss that I wanted to share.

"Looking to hang with some peeps tonight. Having a bonfire in the pasture. There's going to be some stuff. HMU if you want to come".

How stupid is this kid? Unless I am mistaken and he meant root beer and hot dogs by "stuff", I'm thinking that he is actually advertising that he is going to have drugs at this bonfire in his grandparents pasture. The post was there for about 2 days and then it mysteriously disappeared Smile

Sooooo thankful this kid does not live with me.


hismineandours's picture

I have no reason to keep them. I know he's trouble, dh knows he's trouble, bm knows he trouble, my inlaws think its ok to smoke weed daily so there's nobody I would even show!

I'm just amazed at the stupidity. I believe he has a court date later this month for possession of paraphinilia. So, perhaps I should have screen shotted it and gave it to the probation officer whom I know on a personal basis Smile

Anon2009's picture

You still can take a screen shot of it if he hasn't deleted it yet for his probation officer/your acquaintance.

oneoffour's picture

If my SS had not crashed his car bombed out of his mind on pot and alcohol @ 18 he would STILL be at it. It wasn't until he was arrested and in jail and had to go through a 2 yr programme before he got a clue that this was not the best way to live your life.

Your SS needs the judge to throw his arse in jail. Done.