He's driving me crazy!
Well I am pleased to say that for the most part I think my dh is handlign things well-the few things I felt that he did not handle well (computer issue)he went back and addressed and "fixed".
I just vastly underestimated how freaking annoying ss13 is. The kid moved out of our house when he was just 9. I seriously do not think he has matured at all in the last 5 years. Is that even possible? Everytime I correct him or tell him to do something he responds with, "Well THEY get to do it". Yesterday after school I asked him to remove all the food from his room. He had sunflower seeds all over his bed, floor and a box of cheez its and half drank cup of juice in there. He did remove it. At that point, i reminded him not to eat in his room. Just hours later I went back there and he had two go-gurt wrappers on the floor. His response, "Well, THEY eat in their rooms"-I told him I was speaking to him at present not THEM. Then he went on how its not fair that they have bowls of food in their room, blah, blah. He and my ds got in an argument after school-not anything massive but an argument. My ds12 didnt tell me, my oldest dd did. i said we all need to have a talk-my ds asked me not to because he was afraid dh would be mad at him for "tattling". Well ss was outside tattlng on ds and dh came in and yelled at ds. Later he brought ss downstairs so we could talk to him about it. The whole entire discussion he denied 100% of the blame-he was completely innocent-he never did anything wrong, blah, blah. We then went to walmart-dh, ss and I. SS was talking again about my ds, how he's so bad, blah, blah. On the way home, he AGAIN brought up ds. Ugh. I dont know that he can be any more obvious in the fact that he is trying to divert the blame off himself. My dh just said, I'm not taking sides, ss.
In Walmart, he acted like a toddler. Seriously. And not a good toddler. Continually touching things, continually talking although dh and i were trying to have a discussion on buying a vaccum-he was constantly inserting himself saying random unrelated things in the conversation. Dh told him to be quiet repeatedly. He was asking for a bike. I suggested to him that the best time to ask for a gift is probably not when you are grounded. He broke one of the display racks because he couldnt keep his hands off it. He would wander off. Dh said something like, "SS you are going to make me regret bringing you!" and he was like, "Well, you had to bring me what else are you going to do with me?"-My dh was like, "You are almost 14 years old I should be able to leave you home alone for a few hours!". SS looked shocked and appalled at the idea.
We had to buy him a plastic sheet-as he is peeing on his futon and it is running straight through to the floor. I asked him to clean off the futon and floor when we got home and he did not want to. I told him it was his room-did he really want it to smell bad-his response, "I hate that room-I'd rather sleep in the garage!". This will be the first room this kid has EVER in his entire life had to himself and he hates it?
Then I told him it was time for bed and he was mad as two of the other kids werent in bed yet, I told him teh only reason they werent is because they were finishing up some homework. My dd was at gymnastics so was unable to do it earlier and my ds was waiting til we got back because he needed help with the printer-so they were up a little later than anticipated due to finishing that up. I told him he needed to get a good nights rest as they were having state testing tomorrow-he said he didnt care-who cares if I fail a grade? I'll still be able to get a job when I get done"-I told him it would be hard with him working full time to pay for a place and going to high school full time his senior year as if he fails a grade-he is still out on graduation day of the year he is supposed to finish. He thought that was funny.
My dh bought him a bible and a book yesterday. He asked for the Bible. He is supposed to be grounded to his room so dh thought it would be good for him to read while in there. Fine. Howver, ss criticized both the Bible and the book. Said the Bible didnt even make sense? and that he'd already read the book like 6 times.
While he was supposed to be in bed last night-he was up cutting chem sticks in two and getting the stuff all over him. He truly acts the same way he did when he left this house at 9.
I just dont even see how he is going to function in life. My 10 year is far more mature than he is. He just acts like an idiot.
- hismineandours's blog
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He still wets the bed.
He still wets the bed.
See,that's just it-I dont
See,that's just it-I dont think he cares. If he showed an ability to have a conscience or concern about something other than himself I would have less of a problem with him-but he truly appears to have never developed a conscience whatsoever. If I thought hard work parenting would pay off for this kid then I wouldnt have such a problem with it, but I am afraid that it wont-as he just doesnt seem to care.
He never appears to be sad, he skips around the house singing-he does get MAD-but those are the only two emotions he shows-happiness-which isnt really happiness but more of a bizarre, obnoxious silliness and anger.
He seems not at all interested in developing relationships with anyone. He appears to be putting forth NO effort into following household rules, developing relationships in the household-nothing.
He lived with us from ages 1-9. We did want him. He had a stable, normal, boring life here. He hated it because he wanted to be with his mom. But now he doesnt even speak to his mom but maybe every couple of months and he acts like he doesnt care. He jsut recently spent months not speaking to dh-even though dh asked him to visit, told him he wanted him to live here, and would try and call him.
I think he has zero insight into how jacked up he is. I think he thinks he is a total victim on a daily basis and that people are always going around victimizing him. (in his mind me telling him to remove the food from his room was probably victimization).
no-that's on my list of
no-that's on my list of things to do. I'm in a bit of a pickle-there are providers that can come to his school-BUT they are my coworkers and peers-the nearest provider that I dont work with in some capacity is probably close to 45 minutes away. I work full time and my dh doesnt drive. So I feel a little stuck right now. The one that is 45 min away are providers that I used to consult with-so if I really wanted someone completely noninvolved I'd be traveling over an hour away. I'm still thinking on that one hoping to find some magical answer.
We leave my 14 year old dd
We leave my 14 year old dd and my 12 ds home alone all the time. DS12 was home alone last night. Not a big deal. I dont leave my 10 year old dd home alone-but if I had a choice of who I would trust more and who was more responsible-it would be my 10 year old in a heartbeat over ss almost 14. He dances and skips around, makes loud, weird noises randomly-he really did act like a toddler in walmart. Seriously. It was horrible. My dh finally make him go sit down at the end of the aisle.
How do you make someone mature?