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A horrible thing happened this morning..

hismineandours's picture

I got on facebook this morning from my iphone. I looked up bm's profile. It is set to public and I creep on it every couple of weeks or so just to see what's up. She usually doesnt post a whole lot on there so it's not a big deal-but she had changed her profile pic-so I clicked on it to get a look at it and my phone is now stuck there. It is acutally hilarious theres an up close picture of the bm that is stuck on my iphone whenever I try to get on facebook!!

So how do I get the dang thing off of there? While it is a bit hilarious, I dont want to walk around with a head shot of bm stuck on my phone forever!


imjustthemaid's picture

OMG thats too funny!!! I really have no advice, I don't have an iphone but what if you do exactly what you did on her picture but do it on someones elses profile.

PrincessFiona's picture

Priceless ! Isn't always the worst possible place when it chooses to freeze !

I've had my facebook app freeze on my iphone also. I've been able to solve it by double clicking on the start button of the phone and then closing the facebook app from there.

hismineandours's picture

I restarted my phone. It worked. i just thought it was so ironic because I had been looking at several photos on different people's pages and do any of those stick? No, just bm!

DaizyDuke's picture

I creep on BM every once in a while and one time while I was on my phone creeping, I set my phone down for a sec and went to get a drink or something during that time my BS2 grabbed my phone and somehow managed to press the "add friend" button on her page. Holy panic attack Bat Man when I came back and THANK GOD noticed that it said "friend request sent"! Was able to retract that shit pronto.

whatwasithinkin's picture

turning it off and then turning it back on usually does it, dont you wish we could erase these assholes permanently..

unbelieveable's picture

hahahah NO more creeping! You'll never be able to get that image out of your head!! hahah!!

Unfreakingreal's picture

This is funny. I have BMs number stored in my phone under ZOOMONKEY with a picture of King Kong.

luckykitten's picture

Thanks for the laugh! That had to of sucked. But it's funny. Lol glad it was a simple fix!