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Omg-I can't believe what effed up shit ss14 is saying

hismineandours's picture

So one of my dd14s friends rides the same bus as ss14. She told dd14 that ss14 was saying the reason he moved out of our home is because my dh was growing pot in our garage-said there was like hundreds of pot plants and he found them. He then said my dh told him he'd give him a joint everyday if he were nice to me!!! He said he wasn't nice to me and that's why he had to leave. Omg! He told another kid on the bus- I'm not sure if dd's friends overheard or if the other kid told him. Wtf? Who does that? I mean why completely fabricate a complete lie like that. If he wanted to give someone a reason why he moved out- he could have just said, my dads an asshole or my sm's a biatch". Those things aren't true either- but at least I can grasp that that's the way he sees it vs outright making up a lie that there were illegal stuff going on in my house.

I asked dh if he was going to say something to ss- and he said no-that ss is just like the rest of his family- that ss is obviously not interested in having a relationship with him if he!s saying that shit and basically just to eff him.

I gotta admit I am thinking about sending him a little message. I do not want this rumor swirling around. I am an advisor on a drug court panel. Obviously it hurts me professionally if people were to actually believe this nonsense. I also know that my dd14 will not be able to lkeep still if this spreads through the school and then there wil be a big ass blow up that may end up getting her in trouble somehow.

So what do you think? I don't expect him to admit it or be remorseful or any of that I just want him to know that we all know what a piece of shit he is and that he ought to watch HIs back as there are plenty of things that I could spread thru the community about HIM if I so choose.


Evilsteppy's picture

It's not right what he did, but I agree, let it go. If he behaves that way, not your problem. As for your position on a drug board, I highly doubt anyone's going to believe any of it. And what's the worst outcome? Police search your house. Ok, if there's nothing there, there's nothing to worry about.

The kid sounds like a major pain in the arse. So, let it go. Sounds like your hubby's attitude is right on target too, IMO. If the kid's going to behave like that, yeah, eff him.

hismineandours's picture

Our judge is always talking about the " integrity" of our program. Our participants must have faith in the board our they will lose respect for the program. So yes rumors, even if they are unfounded, would hurt me. It's not like I can take an ad out in the paper saying its not true and the police searched my house and verified it. So I just want to shut it down. Ss has always been fearful of my kids spilling the beans about all the very true things he does which is what is going to end up happening if the rumors make a run of the school. I've got two kids at the school they are going to end up defending themselves by telling the truth.

Kendall's picture

Yes, nip it in the bud ASAP! I have worked in public schools for 11 years and anything a child says is taken as gospel. You are guilty until proven innocent. When he comes to your home to visit, check his room thoroughly. He is trying to ruin you and your DH's reputation and get you in trouble with authorities. I wouldn't put it past him to plant some weed in your house.

hismineandours's picture

Oh he doesn't even visit us. Dh sort of left that up to him when he moved out in June and he has not chosen to come. Which is ok- at this point he is not welcome. To me, this is not some silly little trash talk in which he called dh and I a couple of names. This is something he maliciously fabricated to make us look bad and make my kids look bad by extension. It is so effing ridiculous because HE was the one smoking and growing pot- that's why bm kicked him out a year ago. Dh and I are drug free. Dh doesn't even drink (Ido like my wine on occasion although much less so since ss moved out). We live in a small community and unfortunately for dh my fil IS a pot smoker and grower and I'm sure many in the community are aware of it. For those that don't know my dh well I guess it would be easy to assume he is following in his fathers footsteps.