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Should I tell dh or should I not?

hismineandours's picture

That is always the question. For those unfamiliar with my situation-my dh has sole custody of ss15. However, he has not resided here but perhaps 4 month out of the last 5 years. Prior to that he lived with us full time since age 1. Currently he is residing with my inlaws. He has been there just over a year this go around. We have no contact with ss nor my inlaws. SS is not able to reside in our home for a mutltitude of reasons but to simply sum it up-he is a psychopath who is a danger to the other 3 children in the home. After he left this time, ss decided that he wanted no contact with dh and told him so over text message. We don't have contact any longer with the inlaws for another whole set of reasons including things like theft, deceit, drugs.

So anywho, we know that my ss was suspended this past school year for 2 weeks. The story we heard is that it was due to possession of paraphinilia in his locker. This dh heard from my mil's mouth, because she did call dh around March of this year to ask for a copy of our insurance card in order to take ss to counseling. OK. A few months later I saw on facebook my ss telling someone that he was "getting ready to be on probation". Wasn't a BIG surprise as I had heard the cops were called with the parpaphinilia deal. Then just a few weeks ago I saw ss15 outside our local courthouse at 830 in the am-to me this confirmed the probation thing as our courthouse is not even in ss's city and there'd be no reason for him to be loitering about it early in the morning unless he had a hearing of some sort or a meeting with a probation officer. Then just this morning I see he's made a comment on someones facebook that he's "fixin to be locked up on Aug 5th". He is at bm's now. I don't believe he's been to her house since January for one overnight. so that he is even there is a bit unusual, but he also said that was his last night there so I assume he is back to my inlaws.

Should I tell dh about the possible detention? My dh has his own share of mental health issues, which remarkably seem to have largely vanished since we have no stressors-no contact with inlaws or ss. We don't talk about them unless they make some sort of contact. So I hate to bring this up for no reason, at the same time, I feel like I am hiding something-which could potentially be big-if I say nothing. I also fully believe he may not be being sent anywhere. while I do believe he is involved with probation on some level, I believe he could just be saying that because to sound "cool"-it was actually in response to someone saying his old friend got sent off. I believe he could have a court date on 8/5-but him being sent anywhere is questionable. I also find it hard to believe that there would be a discussion of sending a kid to detention without even notifiying the legal guardian? My inlaws have no guardianship at all of ss because they refused.

So should I just keep my mouth shut or should I at least show dh's the post?


just.his.wife's picture

Shut up.

Seriously, your DH heard from his mother that there was an issue. He is the legal parent, its his job to look into it. If he hasnt it is for a reason... likely the stress the kid causes.

If DH knows what is going to happen? Kid is still going to go to juvie/detention/probation.
Its going to cause more stress that will detrimentally effect your husband.
He may decide since his parents can't reign the kid in to bring him back making your life miserable, making your DH sick again and putting your kids in danger.

This is one of those times you let go and let god.

He has a plan for this kid. But apparently this kid is the kind that has to learn the hard way. LET HIM while he is still a juvenile and its not on a permenant record.

Willow2010's picture

I would say nothing. I am surprised that they are not letting DH know about any of this...

whatwasithinkin's picture

nope let it go why upset your life and DH over a kid that he has no contact with?

overworkedmom's picture

Did SS see you? If not, practice your fake shocked face and don't say a word.

hismineandours's picture

I honestly don't know if he saw me or not. I was driving by him in my car (which is new since he lived with us last).

I just hate feeling as I am being deceitful in anyway.

And to foxlee, neither bio parent does want him, you are correct-but that used to not be the case. He was very, very much wanted by both parents and that acutally caused some issues because everyone wanted him-including me and bm's husband. However, his behavior just grew more and more atrocious and damaging those around him that he cannot be maintained in either of our homes because of the other kids. Bm is in the same boat, with 2 other children in her home. Her ex-husband almost gained custody of her youngest son because ss was constantly beating up on him.

We are talking the whole gamut here. Drugs, sexual behaviors (trying to touch my girls, stealing panties), violence (bloodying my son's nose, lip, threatening to murder him with a detailed plan). The fact that he has not entered juvenile justice system before now is probably more of dumb luck on his part than anything else. He had first contact by about 11-due to bm's calls to the police as he has been aggressive with both her and his grandma. He also tried to grow pot in her yard-that's when she kicked him out.

overworkedmom's picture

Wow... Ok, I changed my mind. Be honest with you husband. I would also make it clear that you are not going to support him with a lawyer but maybe try and have a voice in the trial that states he really should be going to an in-patient psychiatric facility versus jail.

hismineandours's picture

This is kind of what I was thinking. Don't get me wrong I do think ss needs massive consequences for whatever he has done-but I am quite certain that the probation officer probably knows none of this past history. I mean like none. What she has probably been told is that ss is really so angelic, he tried drugs because he is soooo depressed that both his parents, his stepmom are crap and have nothing to do with the poor thing. IF my ss is going to get involved with the system I would at least like to think there is some very small chance of it being of a benefit to him. If he goes into the system with just lies I figure that absolutely ensures zero chance of it being a benefit. Heck,the counselors would probably him work on his feelings about how horrible his parents are and to learn to cope with that instead of addressing the fact that he really is a psychopath.

Kes's picture

Your DH is going to find out sooner or later. Is it going to be any worse for his mental health if he finds out from you? Personally I would tell if it were my DH.