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OT: I hate the waiting game!

hollyissad's picture

My post may not be for the squeamish, so feel free to skip over! Smile

For those of you who are TTC or have been TTC in the past, how do you not go nuts every month at “that time” when you’re wondering will I be pregnant, or wont I? We have been TTC for only a couple months now, and I already feel myself slowly slipping into a state of insanity over it. I’m overanalyzing every little thing that might be a “sign” that I am pregnant. I have been having weird cramping in my left side for the last two days, but AF has not graced me with her presence yet. I took a test on Sunday, which was negative, and yesterday, which was also negative. I think I’m due to start around Thursday. The not knowing is driving me crazy! Does it get easier? I think I’m going to wait to test again until Friday, should AF not show up. I know the negative tests are a bad sign.


hollyissad's picture

Congratulations!!! Happy for you! Smile

I'm trying to just stop thinking about it and if it happens, it happens. I'm having a hard time getting it out of my head.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

i AM a mother of four and I got negative test results a good 4 or 5 times with baby #2 and #4

hollyissad's picture

May I ask how early you tested? I tested 4, 3, and (today) 1 day before a missed period, and all came back negative so far.

hollyissad's picture

LOL I'm trying, but not doing very well! This is day three of weird cramps, and I'm thinking "ok, if you are going to start, just start already!!!" Dirol

Maxwell09's picture

When me and DH were trying to conceive I did a lot of research beforehand and the pain you feel in your left or right side around the time of your period is probably your egg dropping/releasing. There's a German word for it that I can't remember but I remember feeling it the weekend of SS4's birthday party as he was leaving out the driveway with BM. Since we were kid free after that me and DH got busy and sure enough that was the week I ovulated and conceived. I used an app called Glow and it helps keep track of your period, peak days for conception and gives you percentages each day of conceivability. Peak day is only 20% which I never knew before I educated myself. Good luck!