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Worrying about the future

hollyissad's picture

Sd6 and I have a pretty good relationship. In the last month or so I have made the decision that my SO needs to be in charge of discipline and I will support him, back him up, and enforce his rules. I will be treated with respect, but will not try and push my own agenda. It has been working very well, and I have been feeling better about things.

Yesterday, SD6 wanted to go to lunch with me, as I was meeting up with my mom, and some family friends. I said sure, so she came along. She was very sweet and behaved. Then at one point my friend asked me when I though I would get married. I told her we didn't have any plans at this point. Then the conversation went like this.

SD6: wait, who would get married?
Me: maybe me someday.
SD6: who else?
Me: well..probably your dad.
SD6: my daddy can't get married because he already was married. ( her mom is deceased)
Me: actually, people sometimes do get married again.
SD6: oh. Well that would kind of mean I was like your kid. And I would have to call you mom.
Me: you would not have to if you didn't want to. You could call me what you want to.
SD6: I would probably want to call you Holly.
Me: ok that is fine.

Later on in the car it was brought up again and I asked SD6 if she would be happy or sad if her dad and I ever got married. She said happy AND sad. I asked why the sad part. She couldn't really answer and then said she would be sad if we broke up?

I am just feeling really bummed and confused by the whole thing. Maybe she is not as accepting of me as I thought? Perhaps I should back off some. She seems very attached to me but then she seems ambievalent of the idea of us getting married...


hollyissad's picture

Thanks! It's just such a weird situation. If you asked me five years ago if I would be with a widowed dad with a young daughter and all that comes along with it, I would think it was impossible!