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DH brought SD up again

I love dogs's picture

On the car ride to my dad's house. He dropped me off at work yesterday so that we could go straight there after my 12 hour shift. He had SD from about 230ish-645 and picked me up at 7. He said something to the effect of "SD was disappointed she had to go back to BM's and BM wouldn't just let me keep her". Well thank the good Lord, DH!

I just didn't say anything but he wouldn't shut up. He then proceeded to try to show me the texts to BM and I refused. He then said that BM would've let SD stay "a couple days" but since he had to pick me up from work and we would be with my family, she changed her mind and again told him she "didn't trust that he wouldn't drink" and picked SD up.

I told him in a very blunt way (again) that I refuse to be involved and I am only concerned with my family as in the two of us and baby girl. He says "you'll have your family" but brought up going to mediation with BM (it's always failed before) and said that I should understand that he's hurting.

I told him I absolutely understand but I will never be sucked back into the drama again and that I will support him but with his busy schedule, I will not help him with 50/50 anymore and that he can keep playing the games but I'm done. SD will never be alone with me again. Period.


SteppedOut's picture

Good for you for standing your ground! 

The annoying part is, even though you keep telling him you are done with the drama, he continues to try to bring you in!

My formerSO did the same; kept pushing - I moved out and he STILL tried. He even brought his poorly bahaved kid to my house for the weekend with him (without letting me know in advance)! When the kid started his bad behavior up in MY house, I let him know that was the LAST time he would ever step foot on my property - much less IN my house. 

SMDH, done is done. At a certain point it has to be accepted. 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Good for you. In that situation I don't think even I'd be involved. I even love my skids... But there comes a point where a line needs to be drawn for your own sanity, and I honestly think with all this chaos that line was crossed. I'm glad you're looking after yourself.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Good grief, this man just doesn't know when to shut up, does he?

Change the subject, redirect, leave the room, or growl "I. Do. Not. Want . To. Talk. About . This!" Lather, rinse, repeat.

 You've made your choice to be done. Now maintain your boundary, and don't let your DH drag you back into the drama and games.

twoviewpoints's picture

I 'get' it. Because you always have caved when he bats his eyes (or whatever his trick he uses is) . He isn't understanding why it's not working on you now. 

The difference is, as some of us told you the other day, you've grown. You're going to be a mother and you can't tolerate the some bull nor keep putting the effort into what amounts to an eventual waste of time. You're beyond all that jazz now. And your route it straight on ahead. Not backwards.