Another nail in the coffin
Visitation Monday. SS stayed up DH a$$ since we got here. DH started on homework with him, at the gdamn dining room table(again, FML. Biggest pet peeve), doing "funny character voices" as he explained*cough*gave answers. Brand new huge desk purchased for SS 2 years a glorified TV and toy stand. I swear it's never been used, always the dining room table. The table I just cleaned and decorated YESTERDAY for Christmas with handmade centerpieces I did myself. Now papers and crap all over it. DH made tacos for dinner. I honestly have no idea what we are eating this week, he is going to take SS to his grandma's on Thursday for the usual "game night" where she will feed them. As I write this, DH and SS are downstairs snuggled in the blankets I bought them watching my FAVORITE Christmas movie (cartoon version of the Grinch) without me. The dog is my favorite. I wasn't even asked to join. I can't believe how long I've overlooked all the Bull-it all these years. F#ck Christmas. "Love" makes you blind. So, so blind. DH sent me a link today for a $55 used Christmas village he found online. can't seriously think I want a holiday decoration for my Christmas gift? (If he's even thinking of me at all.for all I know he's trying to make a "magical Christmas" for SS)..I mean, can you put any thought into it? A smidgen? Surely after living with me for the last 8 years you would have SOME IDEA.... Sorry for being a blog hog today. My family thinks DH hung the moon, I have nobody to talk to. This site, re-reading all my blogs and the Stalk comments is a rude but needed awakening. Going to start my workouts tomorrow. Gotta shake this funk I'm in. My eyes are so open it hurts to breathe. This sucks.
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DH just left with spawn for
DH just left with spawn for drop off(he has 10 minutes to get there, wtg moron)... I'm collecting my movie from downstairs and watching it with my pup. I need to get better at this "me me me" stuff. Sorry for ranting.
Nevermind. I don't know how
Nevermind. I don't know how to use the fancy touchscreen blue ray player that came with DH latest purchase, it won't turn on to eject the disc. It counts that I thought about it right??? This is pathetic lmao
Me, me, me is right! These
Me, me, me is right! These men are so blind
How old is SS that you speak
How old is SS that you speak of? Is this your only step child? Just saw you post twice today but I dont think you gave an age. Im picturing a little boy so pls dont tell me he's 16 & cuddling with dadddeeee!! It's not that uncommon here though. My SS11 almost 12 and SS10 are so far up my DH ass. They lay all over him even when company is over. Its embarrassing. My 43 year old cousin that just had a baby 4 months ago was sitting on the floor cuz the dingbats were laying on the couch all over daddy.
He is 11 but acts like he's 6
He is 11 but acts like he's 6 (no, he's not challenged, he's just irritating)
This largely stems from BM, SS is her first and only child, and she refers to him as "MY baby" when talking to DH so I can imagine the poor complex this kid has. If only parents knew the damage they are causing these "children".
This is just more of the same
This is just more of the same of what you've been describing for months. I'm so glad your eyes are wide open and at least YOU will prioritize yourself, since your DH is never going to do so.
*hugs* Iamlosingit, hope you
*hugs* Iamlosingit, hope you get to watch your favorite cartoon grinch movie soon, I hope no one takes the roast beast
or the who ham
or the who ham
Sending hugs.
Sending hugs. It sucks when it hits you just how much you have been putting up with. That feeling of "how the hell did I get here and what do I do about it" is just lovely!! I hope you told your DH that you want a Christmas present for you - not the house. Maybe a DVD player for the bedroom so that you can watch what you want in peace? Why does your family think that he hung the moon? It is great when youur family likes your spouse but they are supposed to like you more.
It's due to "what a good dad"
It's due to "what a good dad" he is and "how much he cares" because he was the one to take BM to court and fight for his rights instead of the stereotypical other way around. He talks about SS all the time at family events that we don't have SS and says how smart he is, how much he looks like him, etc. I kind of lump it in with those moms who carries a million pics in their wallet to show off and won't shut up like kid is "baby einstein" (nothing wrong with that, but it's odd to see the gender role reversed). I get being proud of your kid, but this is borderline obsessive. Not good to raise kids thinking they are God's gift to the universe when they don't do anything, they act like entitled brats and that the world owes them something for no effort.
You are giving me FLASHBACKS!!!
After giving so much
Being all about "me" ness takes practice!!!!!
You might want to try subscribing to those magazines or go online - you know the ones - cosmo, elle, bazar, inshape...
Then you can clip sections out and make a little board for yourself, to see what self care actually looks like
Hate to tell ya...
..but it ain't going to get better either. I was given a 10-minute warning yesterday and was asked to pick up 30 yo unemployed SS who lives 20 miles away and deposit him at the airport so he can go visit his mother for Xmas (she paid for the trip) because DH was busy watching Sunday Football. And me the *wacko* said OK.