Welp...there goes the rest of my summer...thanks skid
So I got home from work yesterday, Dh gets home not even 20 minutes later babbling on about camping. He says we haven't gone camping enough, and since I pay for the camper he has "planned" two camping trips for us. And his friends. Without consulting me.
These two "couple" friends 1. has no kids 2. has skids. Friend 1 was supposed to come over for a bbq this weekend (non skid weekend) but couldn't and asked if we could push it out to next weekend. I let him know DH had SS that weekend but it was up to him and DH. Friend1 decided to move it out (funny how nobody wants to come over when Skid is over) to Aug 10-12 (non-skid weekend). Dh was informed of this date change on Tuesday.
Back to yesterday: DH was apperantly talking to friend 2 about caming a weekend in August. DH picks a non skid weekend, they both confirm we have no skids, everyone is excited. I get home as DH lays all this info on me. The weekend that friend 2 picked is the weekend friend 1 was coming over (10-12). Soooo now DH is panicking and books ANOTHER campsite for our only other skid-free weekend in August and convinces Friend 1 to switch weekends to accomodate Friend 2.
Wait, it gets better.
Friend 2 does NOT know his S.O. visitation schedule at all. He calls DH back and goes "wait, I guess we DO have the skids, is there any way you can talk to BM and ask her to switch weekends so we can bring the kids?"
Did I mention he also invited himself to stay in our camper with us. They have three skids. So DH is going to try to cram 3 pre-teen boys and four adults in one pop-up camper. The only way this is going to work is if we take down the dining room table and turn it into a short bed, and their skids are going to have to share that. SS is going to have to give up his bed and take the small couch. Yeah, thats going to go over well. Spoiled Brat.
I am now completely being ignored as DH calls BM to BEG her to switch weekends because he has "such a fun plan for ss!" Gag me. He even says she can PICK THE WEEKEND to switch, either August 3-5 or Aug 23-25. Meaning anything I planned for us has to be cancelled because now we will have the gdamn kid.
She brings up our fourth of July activities and says "I let you bring SS to two other places already" B*tch it's HIS visitation time! If it isn't out of state, you aren't "letting" him do anything! It just made me sick to listen to DH kiss arse, how pathetic and "sweet" he was being to try and pull this off. Telling her 'how much fun ss will have', all the "activities" (that cost more $$ btw). Why can't he just ask like a normal person "hey BM I found a really fun campsite that I would like to bring ss to but it only has one spot left in August, and it's not on my weekend. Can we switch weekends?" Yes or no, problem solved. If no, tough cookies. BM has asked for later drop offs three times this summer already. SS already got over a week with Dh and activities, I'm still waiting for our "alone time". Now thanks to this, there goes my last two skid free weekends of the summer.
Thanks to having to pay the extra taxes on the house, I am broke again. So if I don't go with there is nothing for me to do here. Plus again, the issue with insurance and DH + camper I have to go.
If DH tries to go forward with his plan of bringing up SS to my cousins cabin for Labor Day weekend I'm going to lose it. Glad SS is having such a "fun filled" summer while I'm broke and Dh and I do NOTHING together. We haven't done one single fun thing this summer together that didn't involve SS.
I feel like I have no husband.
- iamlosingit's blog
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Why is he not on the
Why is he not on the insurance for the camper?
There is just no way I would do this. No way.
The roadside assistance
The roadside assistance policy/insurance is in my name only because everything but dh vehicle is bundled with it. DH would have to switch his vehicle to our insurance to use it or include me on the title for his vehicle.
I would no longer be
I would no longer be available to go camping. I'd plan something else.
And if your DH cannot tow the camper (due to insurance), then he cannot take it. They can pitch tents or make some lean-tos (ooooo, what fun!).
Honey, why are you allowing him to include you in plans that will make you miserable???
I just found out about all of
I just found out about all of this yesterday evening when I got home, he was on the phone so much I only heard bits and pieces. We still don't even know for sure what is going on since BM hasn't given DH her "final decision" on what weekend she wants to switch. I know everyone here knows how a HCBM will play this...
I'd be pissed...
...if I were you and I would lay that big fat hammer down on Labor Day. Just no. Not every weekend needs to be entertaining the hell out of children. We all dealt with boring summers growing up, yet here we are - alive to tell about them.
Omg....you lost me about halfway
That is so much back and forth to make my head spin! And without consulting you(or at least waiting for you to get home first....!)Ugh!
I would at least take one of those weekend for myself(even if broke- take a bath read a book go to the local pool)! Please put your foot down about labor day! Tell him its sanity weekend for you and him!
Also the " final decision" shouls be yours. Bm should be only a participating voice.
You know, nobody is forcing
You know, nobody is forcing you to go. Just tell him to go have fun because you're going to relax at home. If he can't go without you then it is no longer your problem. Let him work out a solution. Stop caring.
Heck, have the summer you WANT!
I owe too much on it and the
I owe too much on it and the re-sell value on pop-ups is horrible, wouldn't get what I paid. Probably wouldn't even get enough to pay off the rest of the loan. I had this vision of it bringing us closer as a family and going camping all the time. Didn't know dh was going to be so broke and that ss wouldn't enjoy it as much as I thought. I loved camping with my family as a kid, he does not.