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Hey Lintini ...

Indigo's picture

I know that you're on bed-rest, but I saw an article in the news today and thought of you.

Did you see the article where the African Grey parrot is suspected of holding a clue on the murder of his owner? "Don't F*ing Shoot" Parrot is reported to say on video after the death of the man. Possible murder/suicide gone awry, but I thought the discussion regarding whether a Grey's verbalization could/would be admissible in court to be interesting.

Hope that bed-rest is going well and that your little one is doing well. Smile


lintini's picture

Oh wow! I didn't hear about that, I'll have to look it up now! My greys are always listening, picking up everything they can. It's especially exciting to mimic DH cussing at video games.

All is good regarding baby girl, but DH having a Disney dad weekend is a different story.

My mom has been in the hospital since Thursday with an infection and on antibiotics, and DH still left to get SS and take him golfing and get nothing unpacked in the new house (whatever is left that mother in-law hasn't unpacked already and gone through). He told me he would Skype me to put away my clothing, but the A's game was clearly more important. He complained about my greys all weekend because they are in the living room, being loud and disturbing all the sports game watching.

So this left my dad split in half caring for me and visiting my mom and keeping her company.

Mother in-law has hung up all our art in the house on her own. I get photos sent to me. She bought a picture to put over the fireplace and hung it......

I just can't deal with this. I've never felt so helpless and isolated.

In regards to DHs Disney dad weekend, i asked him why he didn't get anything done around the house or things put away from the move. He told me it wasn't fair to SS 14 if he only did things around the house all weekend. I laid into him that the world doesn't stop on SS weekends, but apparently it does.

It's going to be VERY interesting when baby gets here. I guess if DH waits long enough, MIL will have everything in the house organized, including my underwear drawer.


Indigo's picture

Perhaps MIL may choose to organize your vibrators on a shelf according to size like that housecleaner mentioned in Good Housekeeping's discussion of vibrators/dildo's.

lintini's picture

I wouldn't put anything past her at this point. She even tried to get my mom involved in the whole not giving SS the room she helped pick out for him before we even decided to make an offer on the house.

You know what would really piss MIL off? To not name the baby the name DH picked after she long armed the babies name into the baby quilt, hahahahaha

moeilijk's picture

I would 'accidentally' lose, rip and stain that feeble quilt asap.

When the baby gets here, once you get your energy back, you just go through that house, inch by inch, and reclaim every room, hallway, table, and wall.

Make SS take out the trash at least.

lintini's picture

Aww it's a beautiful quilt, I couldn't do that. I just hope the name still fits when she is born :?

That is exactly what I'll have to do.

And haha to SS14 having any chores.

Oh I forgot to mention also, MIL has named the main bathroom "SS14 bathroom."

I wish I was fast enough to say MIL could call it that if SS would actually clean it.

moeilijk's picture

There are lots of beautiful quilts in the world. Only this one makes you cringe. But it's up to you.

I've taken pictures of items that had heavy emotional significance, and then packed the items away or gifted/donated them so that I didn't have to deal with the tension every day, but I still had the memory available for when I wanted to sit with it. Because sometimes I feel strong enough to think about things that hurt a lot, and sometimes I need to know that I will not have to face that particular demon today.

Indigo's picture

^^Thought^^ Dropped back by this thread to check on Lintini and saw this. Skitter-step. Food for thought.

Thanks for offering a technique to handle these emotionally charged items.

lintini's picture

Omg no she didn't! I had one name picked, DH had another name picked. I okayed DHs name and we've been trying it out for the last 3 months. The only way it could change is if it doesn't fit her when we meet her.

MIL is the one who long armed her name into the quilt, and wrote her full name on the 6"x6" tag saying to baby from grandma. Even DH said he hopes that's her name.

Indigo's picture

When last you posted, I thought that DH and maybe SS would move some stuff into the new house and shove it around.

Years ago, ex-DH moved to Norman, OK with horses/dog/chickens/goldfish prior to our marriage. I began to receive nightly phone calls about our hens "running away from home." Totally convoluted stories about how he could swear he saw "Apricot" down by the creek, or "Arnold" had chosen to live with the neighbors ... After a bit, there was no mention of any chicken "running away." There was also no mention of a mated pair of Great Horned Owls living on the river bottom, nor the Barred Owls, nor the foxes ...

When I drove out, I was shocked at the state of the house. In the breakfast nook, ex-DH placed the couch so that the German Shepherd could sit on it and watch the squirrels. The fridge money was spent and he lived with a red/white plastic cooler as a fridge for almost 6 months. Boxes to the ceiling in the guest room, never unpacked. Kitchen table in the carport ...

Unfreakin' believable. Your situation completely tops my story.

lintini's picture

Omg!!! What the heck?!!!!

You guys just needed MIL to unpack you and buy you a fridge!

No, just DH babysat SS while SS went through his clothing. Didn't know that required a chaperone.