Baiting for responses
according to my DH, this site is just about baiting for the response I want.
Yep, can't have other people doing what you can't DH by validating my feelings and providing emotional support.
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Ok so you tell him responses
Ok so you tell him responses from this site and he (I'm assuming) thinks what? We are all crazy... LOL.
Since we are all strangers there really are not any bias answers flying around here to "bait" into because the fact... we have no idea who each other really is.
That's what friends are for...
Funnily enough, my DH appears
Funnily enough, my DH appears not to be at all threatened by this site. He once drew me a card with a pic of me sitting at my desk top computer with "Steptalk" site up on it. He does have a sense of humour, and he is aware of what PITAs his daughters can be. During a particularly dire phase of a year or two, he took to referring to them as "my vile daughters". And yet for the first 5-7 yrs he was a Disney Dad extraordinaire, to the degree I was thinking of jumping ship, as I couldn't stand it any more. Just shows there is hope for some of these pathetic bio Dads.
In my experience the ones that hate
when others get support/validation is because they know they are in the wrong. However, they like the status quo and anything that will rock that status quo is wrong and therefore MUST BE SQUASHED. My ex..the Village Idiot was like that. He hated anything that would contradict his divine right to abuse me to make himself feel better.
DH knows I go to a step
DH knows I go to a step parent support site and that it's my business. I told him why and how it supports me. He's not concerned.
The only time he's said something about it was during and argument about him cooking dinner most (not all) of the time when YSD is here he said, "So did that step mother site tell you not to cook for your step kid?" (Or something very close to this) Me, "No, it helps me understand what my role is and that it's your primary responsibility. I take on primary cooking when she's not here. It's fair."
He hasn't complained since.
They want you to see it ,,,,,There Way
You married them you marrie the circus opps. There kids. One big Happy Family including SK, Ex, Ex family.
When people tell you your feelings of being second,third, fourth, is true. That what they are telling you is a story because if places are change , they will not put up with it,
Listen to your head not your heart
My DH is horrified, too
I dont discuss ST with DH too much but he kids me about being on here so much. I lay on my couch, listen to the blues and ST. But every once in awhile I read him one of the extreme posts. He is horrified, usually leaves the room. Gotta be strong to handle ST! Lol.
Jjcksjj, your dh has no clue
Jjcksjj, your dh has no clue what he is talking about. This message board rocks. Hahaha
When I did hear my ex out months after I had broken up with him, I told him I found a support group for stepparents but mostly stepmoms. I shared with him some of the advice I had received like never date a man with daughters, don't walk away from the relationship for good RUN, and that I didn't dodge a bullet by dumping him but more like a grenade or something like that. I also told him one person said all she had to read was that his daughter was 24 and didn't financially support herself and that was enough to know I made the right decision to dump him. He wasn't happy with this, and said if he contacts all the people he knows they will agree with him that it is ok to financially support adult kids. He even reached out to someone he knew and they told him they agreed with me.
After that he claimed he knew all along adults are supposed to be independent. However, he continued to try to purchase his adult kids' love. Since then I have distanced myself from him. However, he keeps resurfacing.
This message board has helped me understand that mini-wife behavior, guilty father syndrome, and enmeshment are likely ingrained in him and his lazy, selfish, manipulative, disrespectful adult kids. Oh this board also helped me understand HE is the problem. Definitely not tolerating that bs. No way in hell am I living in stephell. Hahaha