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It's so serene right now

Jcksjj's picture

In the (almost week) since the big drama with SIL and BM and them rushing to "rescue" SD, it's been so peaceful and quiet. No Facebook manipulation since they're all deleted off of both DH and my pages, no texts or calls from anyone. Without all the drama creators it's so different overall - instead of constantly living in a state of frantic trying to keep up with their crap and defending ourselves, we can actually LIVE. Do things just for enjoyment. Think about ourselves and the boys. 

Ahhh I can breathe again. Knock on wood.


tog redux's picture

Yep. That's how it was when we got over the initial shock of SS being alienated. No more BM. No more worrying if she'd start drama or withhold him from visits. Going away whenever we wanted. Cutting these people loose is the key to peace.