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MIL is such a c*nt

Jcksjj's picture

MIL sent DH a meme that says "any parent using a child as a means to punish a grandparent is an unhealthy adult and damaging their children."

Good God she knows how to twist a situation to be the victim. 


Holly's picture

I'd be sooo tempted to return the favour.... google "horrible grandparents memes", pick one and send it back. But then I'm not very nice sometimes....

justmakingthebest's picture

Right? It is BM who is withholding visitation. 

Maybe suggest she send that meme to BM?

Jcksjj's picture

I have no idea if it was only about SD or all of the kids since we have limited contact with them so much. I have no idea what she knows about the SD situation since DH hasn't talked to his parents about it and their info is coming from SD and BM

She's so egocentric that I could legitimately see her thinking we gave up custody of SD just to spite her.

Jcksjj's picture

Nothing, it's totally unfair and she's never done anything but be the perfect loving mother and grandmother

Ispofacto's picture

Ask her if she's "feeling naughty", tell her she should talk to FIL about her "naughty feelings".


strugglingSM's picture

Your DH should look for a meme to reply with that says something to the effect of "unhealthy adults were created by dysfunctional parenting" or something like that...

Jcksjj's picture
