Omfg, what next?
So in today's version of how much drama can SD cause in only being here 2 days out of the last month - she's been searching inappropriate things on YouTube. Things that I have no clue why a nearly 9 year old would be searching and highly inappropriate. Luckily, there was parental controls on so the searches didnt yield much, but still. This kid is only in 3rd grade and fits the checklist for a teen with histrionic PD to a T.
Honestly, part of the reason I feel better when she's here less is because she's a huge liability with the meanness, lies for attention, manipulation and now it looks like inappropriate sexual things.
- Jcksjj's blog
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If she knows how to search Youtube
She know how to search Yahoo or Google also. Be careful of what she is doing. Also where is DH in this, He should be handling this.
Nanny Cams. If she is exposed
Nanny Cams. If she is exposed to sexual content at this age and also lies then you should expect lies about sexual misconduct in the future....even if the only male around is her own dad. It happens. (The lies, I mean but I guess incest too)
Yep. That's been my biggest
Yep. That's been my biggest concern about her.
Wow I'm glad I'm not the only
Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with this. I always search what my SO SD10 and SD7 look up because they lie to SO about looking up "big girl stuff" like YouTube videos on how to get a boyfriend or how to flirt. BUT when I caught them it was just me so I couldn't get him to belive me because he thought a year ago... that they were innocent. Welp... I found about a week ago Ashley Madison website pulled up and a porn site... I was pissed and rippled SO a new one because I always thought he wasn't into that stuff. He had to have a serious talk with SD8 because it wasn't SO looking it up it was her. I've never caught him before and belive him when he says he isn't that type of man... SD bawled her eyes out of embarrassment and said it just came up on a search of a specific YouTube video she was looking for... who knows how these kids still get into it even with parental controls but it is very concerning.
what did you do to confront them about it? Did they have any excuses?
SD9 is way too interested in
SD9 is way too interested in sex. She also dances inappropriately. She used to record it until we told her to stop. She acts overly flirty with boys at school. A lot of girls in her grade act the same way... wanting attention constantly. It seems that girls start being that way at a much younger age now-a-days! It's so disturbing.