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Still sick of stepbrat

Jcksjj's picture

SD left with her aunt and cousins to go to their grandmas house. ODS was feeling kind of left out and said he wished he could go. SD responded that she didnt wish he could go. I asked her if she thought that was a nice thing to say and she said no. I don't think she even was trying to be mean, it's just that she didnt care if it was because she had no purpose in being nice to him at the time and it was the truth.

I told DH about it (why I bothered idk) and he asked me what he should tell her would be a more appropriate thing say. He really thinks that his talks with her that have been going on for 4 years now are going to change something. She already knows it's not nice to say things like that. She just doesnt care. How does she magically know exactly what the correct thing to do and say is when she wants something from them? How does she magically go from refusing to speak to ODS or being even polite to him to all of a sudden being willing to play a game with him and being overly helpful when he needs help, etc when DH walks in the door? Obviously her not knowing isnt the issue. 

Honestly the thing that pisses me off isnt even the random meanness. Not that I like it, especially since its completely one sided and not back and forth bickering. Its completely fine that she would prefer hes not with, shes allowed to feel that way. What pisses me off the most is that she will turn around and use him as a pawn to get attention and be told "what a sweet girl." If you dont like him fine. But dont come up to me and tell me in your fakey voice that "ODS is my best friend" before you ask me for a favor. Dont run to help him when he doesnt even actually need it only because daddy or grandma or whoever else will eat it up is watching and will give you praise for it. Hes not an object for you to treat however it best suits you at the moment with zero regard to him.


SteppedOut's picture

My formerSO's son was like this. He was WICKED when there was nobody around. But once his dad, and ESPECIALLY his gma was around he suddenly turned into big brother #1. 

Ooohs and ahhhs at how wonderful he was with his baby brother. Really pissed me off given I was having to watch him like a hawk to ensure he didn't hurt my baby otherwise. 

Jcksjj's picture

The thing that's really getting to me is DH doesnt actually care how her behavior affects anyone. Only that she doesnt decide she loves mommy better. 

SteppedOut's picture

Yea, well mine is FORMERso.... so you can see how much he paid attention or cared when I brought it up. 

He and his family were always so worried to make sure the kid liked it best with dad so he didn't go live with his mom like his sister. 

SteppedOut's picture

It will. The kid has no rules, no consequences, no standards are set for doing well in school, can't do anything for himself... the kid is going to "grow up" to be a loser always to be taken care of by his dad and grandmother. 

Jcksjj's picture

If they're like my MIL and probably DH they'll be thrilled that the kid stayed dependent on them so they can "save" him all the time 

SteppedOut's picture

Yes indeed. Also, will give my formerSO someone to hang out with, cuz he damn sure won't be able to keep a gf or wife around with his kid still living with him. No way in hell will someone put up with that shit for very long. 

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah I think DH is kind of raising the kids to be his friends so he can rely on them for that. Doubt that's gonna happen with SD though, she already wants to grow up just so she can have a boyfriend. Daddy wont be her priority then.