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What the heck does BM want?

Jcksjj's picture

So SD is emailing BM again constantly from our house. She's done that the 2 weekends she's been here since BM flipped out and said she can only come 1 weekend a month. Last month when she stayed at the inlaws there wasn't any emailing, so I know it's just when she's at our house.

All they're discussing is what she had to eat and when. The first message was from SD stating she ate lunch 3 hours ago and what it was so obviously BM had told her to report to her about it. Wtf? Why is she nitpicking about what she's eating here and not even asking about anything else?


Evil4's picture

PAS. BM is acting in ways to make it look like you and DH are totally inept and can't care for SD. 

tog redux's picture

SD probably falsely claimed that you guys don't let her eat, so now BM is piling on to that and reinforcing the idea that your home is unsafe and she's the only safe parent.  BM here used to do that all the time with SS. It's definitely alienating behavior. I'd suggest your DH limit her ability to email BM.

Jcksjj's picture

She did complain before that she didn't like our food so she wasn't eating it. Wouldn't limiting her access to email show BM that she's getting to us with her petty bs? 

ExhaustedByItAll's picture

DH told BM he would not allow the skids to use any device from her house while they are here, this may change once they are in high school but they can discuss it then. If they bring a device from BMs it gets turned off and put in a shoe box in the cabinet, they get it back when they leave.

We have tablets they can use with parental controls installed. No texting, no Skype, no zoom, we can block other sites like email if we had to. They're kids, SDteen is only in 7th grade, they don't need to be in constant contact with anyone.the only thing the devices from BMs were used for was spying and causing conflict. Your DH has every right to limit or take devices away in your house.

As for BM being petty, this behavior will only continue to escalate, it doesn't matter if you recognize it or not. What's the point of SD even visiting one weekend a month if she's just going to sit in her room and email BM the whole time she's there?

Jcksjj's picture

It's our tablet. DH was thinking about just blocking her email. Surprisingly she had no complaints about the food this weekend so far and didn't throw us under the bus at all, just reported what she ate matter of factly. And then this morning she emailed BM to tell her it was pi day and BM didn't even respond. Guess she doesn't wanna talk unless it's about us.

Yeah idk what the point of her visiting is either. It feels like it's just giving BM a break for the weekend and that's it.

Jcksjj's picture

Ah that makes sense. Makes her look pretty stupid to anyone other than SD though because she can't get her to school on time and feeds her fast-food constantly.