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Hiding shampoo?

Jewals's picture

Should I have to hide my shampoo/body wash/ tooth brush from the kids/DH? I bought shampoo Monday .. I used it Monday.. My SS8 took a shower Monday following me .. He was the only one in that shower other than me. Tuesday I go to take a shower and it's in the shower floor open in a big puddle of shampoo bc it ran out.. Half of it was gone. I said something to DH about it and he said nothing. Today I go to take my shower and I had enough to wash my hair bc the kid had been broke off and was thrown in the floor and the rest had spilled out... I told my SS right in front of DH he was gonna have to stop doing that.. DH says exactly and said all of his body wash had been poured out too ... I made the statement that I knew it wasn't BS bc he's 2 and he doesn't get to take baths/showers alone and I put it up high so he can't reach it .. So all of a sudden DH says I need to put it up & hide it from SS so he can't waste it ... I said no there is nothing wrong with him that he can't learn right from wrong and learn what is expected of him and he needs to learn not to do that bc he will be 9 very soon & he is old enough to know better ..

I have to hide my to other brush bc no one in the house can keep up with theirs and mine bc the community tooth brush ... I think that's ridiculous also..

Am I asking to much? Should I have to hide my stuff or should they have to learn NOW?


Jewals's picture

I have bitched and bitched about the tooth brush and I do hide my tooth brush just bc it's disgusting to share .. The shampoo stopped for a while but SS is being is getting wore with his attitude lately so he is gonna do anything to make me mad .. And court is coming up soon so daddy won't fuss to much

Iris's picture

I have had to keep all my bathroom "needs" in my bedroom. My toothbrush has been used and my face wash has been emptied out in one day (I feel purposely dumped out).

twoviewpoints's picture

Should you 'have' to hide it? No. But if DH isn't backing you up and teaching SS how to properly use the items, do you constantly want to have this same battle bottle after bottle? DH has indicated to you his 'solution' to dealing with his kid is to have you hide it...he's taking the lazy way out. But it's his kid to teach properly how to shower and not waste, or to not.

Until DH decides he's being the foolish lazy parent he is, I suggest you pick up some cheap kiddie shampoo and body wash from the dollar store. Leave it out for SS to use and set your shampoo and body wash in the towel closet. Inform SS if he touches yours there will be consequences. While you cant make DH teach his son appropriate showering you can make sure that your items are not used and/or wasted. You need to also make sure DH is the one cleaning up the bath/shower after his son is done if he isn't managing to teach the kid that either.

Community toothbrush? That's just disgusting. Put yours in a small cosmetic pouch in the medicine cabinet and same thing...inform the others hands off.

Jewals's picture

I have tried to kiddie shampoo and he use to dump it out the 1st day so I ended up spending more on that .. I refuse to go in the bathroom while he is showering bc BM is the kind to say I did something so I can't limit his usage .. DH obviously won't go take care of that bc he takes the lazy route

Gabriels Mom's picture

Should you HAVE to hide it, no. It really is just better to. Everyone in the house has a bag. SS would just go take whatever he wanted out of our shower which used to tick DH off to no end. So I got everyone a bag to keep toothbrush, toothpaste, bodywash, shampoo, lotion and deoderant. SS never puts his crap back in his bag. I keep a 6pk of ivory soap from the dollar tree under the sink and he usually uses that. Whatever he's not using my expensive shampoo and conditioner or my bodywash.

Jewals's picture

If I leave toothbrushes out for then it's fine they use whatever so until it gets carried off my DH won't search for mine... Shampoo wouldn't matter what it is as long as he can dump it