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Feeling bad for BS16 and our pet

jojo68's picture

BS16 is going to summer school to get ahead on hours and while he was at school yesterday...someone went into his room, moved things around and took some of his expensive art pastel pencils. Not sure who did it since there are 3 people at the house (SD13 and her friends)while we are at work...think it might be time for a nanny cam or an outside lock on the door. If I actually did the nanny cam thing and caught someone on the act, I don't even think I would show the video to anyone (no consequence would come from it if I showed it to anyone anyway)...I just want to know who did it and prevent it from happening again.

There is also an incident with our guinea pig being injured that I would really like to know what happened. I noticed the guinea pig acting weird and noticed that his eye had literally been poked through. And then witnessed SD13 and her friends walk by his cage and he freaked out..went to the corner of his cage and rolled up into a ball. I went to see about him and he ran to me and I picked him up and he tried to hide in my clothing.

I don't know what happened in either case just makes me sad.


jojo68's picture

The vet said his eye was too badly damaged to regain sight. I thought it might have been an infection but vet said it was injured.

realitycheckmom's picture

That is a VERY bad kid that would hurt a defenseless animal like that. I would not have a kid like that in my house and that includes my own DD!

Jsmom's picture

You have to get to the bottom of the guinea pig...Clearly someone did something...Poor thing! I would be killing someone in this house, if something happened to one of the dogs. Seriously do not let that go...

Onefootout's picture

That pet injury would be a deal breaker for me. I'd be packing my bags. I know that's not an easy solution but I would either do that or find a home for the pet and just not have animals in the house. That pig may not last long in your home. So there's a nanny cam that catches SD or SDs friends in the act, then what? Whoever did that to the pig has shown you who they really are and they will not change. And DH won't have the power to change them either. That is an act of serious cruelty that shows a lack of conscience and empathy.. That's not easily fixed.
I wouldn't let that SD near my pets or my bio children if I had any.

jojo68's picture

It makes me feel sick..... I plan on giving my little pigman away if I find out that Sd or one her friends hurt him. I still can't prove anything though but I need to get to the bottom of it...SD seems to like animals but I did observe one time her rough housing with the dog and the dog rough housed back and accidently nicked her with a tooth and she absolute went bananas on the dog trying to kick it and smack it but it got away from her before she could get to it. I dunno what to do...

Onefootout's picture

Well, thats enough evidence for me. You won't be able to prove it without giving her another opportunity to completely blind the pig. But here is enough evidence to show she is violent with animals, enough to let you know you need to rehome the pig. The pig is defenseless and doesn't stand a chance.

And now I'm concerned about the dog. Come on, you know it's SD. I know it's hard coming to terms with that.

Onefootout's picture

I'm sorry. I'm a dog lover. This whole thing is not your fault, unfortunately you seem to be the only one who can save the poor pig! Maybe you can lock it up while you're at work. IDK.

SMof2Girls's picture


Unfreakingreal's picture

I am not an animal lover. Don't have any, never did, never will, BUT, this pissed ME off. Get a nannycam ASAP. Like NOW.

jojo68's picture

I never realized what a sweet and intelligent animal a guinea pig is....the guinea pig was bought as a pet for SD13 but since she doesn't take of him and either me or DH feed and water him he has bonded to us. He seems to be happy when he sees us and chirps and hops around his cage when he first sees us like he's greeting us.

I ordered the nannycam awhile ago...I'll keep yall posted.