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I actually have some baby mama drama to

jojo68's picture

Any of you who have read my posts already know that fortunately I have very few problems with BM but perhaps all that might change a bit. She and her Bf are splitting up. No she is not after my BF but she expects him to take her kids(not his bios)until she gets a job and gets on her feet. He told her no....last time he did this we had the kids for a year. He said he just can't take them this time. It would fine a for a couple weeks but we know her history and it would be much longer. She didn't help with supporting them either while we had them last time. She is so irresponsible and expects everyone to enable her to be even more irresponsible. My BF is very bad about feeling sorry for her and caving in so we'll see what happens.


skylarksms's picture

If you guys want to help them out, tell BM you will take them as long as she has a document drawn up with a lawyer stating how much per month she owes you guys for support.

Milomom's picture

Jojo68, wait a minute...wait ONE FREAKIN minute. Did I read your post correctly? That BM wants your BF to take her kids THAT ARE NOT HIS BIOKIDS until she "gets on her feet"?!?! Is she crazy? Is this for real? I must have read that wrong.

Sorry to hear that her BF & her are splitting up. But TOO BAD, SO SAD!! Should've thought about being self-sufficient over HOW MANY YEARS so that if this happened, she would be able to support herself.

Where exactly does this woman get off asking your BF to take care of kids that AREN'T EVEN HIS??? This is beyond insane.

I don't think you should even CONSIDER IT, especially after he has done this for her before and what came of it (a year with no support from her, either). Funny, because if the shoe were on the other foot (a man asking his exW to take his kids from another woman and not $$$ financially support them), he would be a DEADBEAT, A LOSER, IN JAIL, etc....d

No way, no how, nope, nada - not even with a signed, written agreement with CS$$ payments built in. She won't adhere to it anyway, even if it did exist.

jojo68's picture

LOL @storm I mean with you girl......Yeah they have one each but she doesn't know who the fathers are or says she she doesn't :? Real lassy gal I tell you

jojo68's picture

She asks him because she has always been able to manipulate him into doing anything she wants all by threatening to take him to court to try and get custody of his daughter...which is absolute insanity for him to believe because I seriously doubt whether a court would even consider that considering that she has practically abandon her children twice now. He really needs to wake up to her manipulation.

christinen's picture

Oh no girl, you & your bf need to stand up to the crazy bm, it's one thing to take your own kids full time, but they are not even his kids, oh hellll to the no!! that's insane!!

tofurkey's picture

I can't even wrap my mind around this one. Why in the world would your bf ever ever ever entertain the idea of taking care of his ex's kids? No no and some more no

jojo68's picture

Thanks girls for all the feedback and I totally agree with all of could someone have the nerve to even ask him after she practically abandon the kids with him once before ( when they broke up she moved out and left the kids with him and told him that she would take the kids when she got a place that had room...took her over a year) Crazy I tell ya.....