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Bad day for SS...The fall out continues...

Jsmom's picture

Got a call from the VP at the middle school for an incident with SS. He didn't tell us, we just got a VM. Tomorrow DH will get to talk to the school. They waited until after school to call us.

SS apparently had a kid berating him in class and he kept asking the teacher to deal with it and she ignored him because she was talking to another teacher in the classroom. Well he hit the kid. He said he withdrew the punch but, he still made contact. This kid is bullied a lot, but it had been getting better. This VP called me last year to discuss another incident and he was aware of SS dropping out of choir for bullying.

We talked to him and told him no punishment here, since school was punishing him. We just wanted him to realize that he had an option of walking out of the room. He said he would have gotten yelled at from the teacher. We told him, walk out of the room and go immediately to the principals office and ask to call your Dad. He agreed to do that and we told him that he could always tell us, and it was always better to get to us before the school does so we have a plan.

Half way through this discussion he says it is all the stress with BM and this last weekend. He hasn't said much except that she told him that she would be there and it was my problem to deal with. Crying last night in front of him, probably didn't help either. My answer to him, is he was probably right that this didn't help and that if he had felt better he would have dealt with the situation better.

The whole situation just sucks...I swear that this has to end soon. 7 more visits, 7 more visits...Keep repeating.