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But you ARE a mom! you are kidding me, right?

jsr's picture

I have no children of my own but raise SS12 practically full time.
I hate,, DESPISE... when I say something about not having kids, or not wanting to participate in "Mother's day" festivities, or how i'd parent children if i had them or whatever someone has to say "but you ARE a mom!"
ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?!?!?!?! I didn't give birth to him. When you (DH) get all "swoony" over thinnking about the day you became a father and the moment your son was born, you aren't thinking about him being squirted out of my vagina! So don't expect me to get in on the swoon-fest.
I didn't choose to get myself knocked up by some of the worthless pieces of crap i've dated (and even married one)...YOU DID! And believe me if I were to ever have a child they would certainly not be raised the same way this skid is being raised. entitled, bratty, spoiled, immature, blah blah blah


bi's picture

i'm so glad fdh doesn't act that way about sd19. i wouldn't be able to contain my disgust and anger if he tried to relive her rancid birth to me all the time. he has the warm fuzzies for our son, but not her, thank God.

Anywho78's picture

One day I broke it down Barney style to my SO that I never again wanted to hear about the experience of watching HIS children get squished out of another woman's vagina. Just NO. Those stories are NOT endearing, nor do they make me think "AWE!"...the feeling I get is more along the lines of nausea.

He got offended, then saw what I was saying...hasn't done it since Smile

bi's picture

for me, the disgust really wouldn't have anything to do with bm. i wouldn't want to hear about it because i can't stand sd19. as far as i'm concerned, the day her entitled head poked out her mom was the day that my future changed for the worse, i just didn't know it at the time. i think her bday should be a national day of mourning, not something to be celebrated! so yeah, don't want to hear about how "special" it was for that bitch to come into the world!