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3rd F*&king weekend in a row!!! Just a vent!

justanothergurlNJ's picture

I just need to vent, this is the 3rd weekend in a row the skids will be here. Cuntzilla has NOT spent a weekend with her kids since May. They were either with us or So Mom; SO Mom hurt herself a few weeks ago and won’t watch the skids so guess who gets stuck with them US. She asked for a favor to watch them last weekend even though it wasn’t our weekend and SO says yes. This pisses me off because she NEVER does favors for us. We are always taking on extra weekends, picking them up early or dropping them off late. I told SO to take them this weekend because it is our weekend and I don’t want to screw up the rotation, we have a wedding the weekend of my birthday and it isn’t our weekend to have the skids so I do not want to do anything that might land us with the skids. It is just the point 3 fucken weekends in a row. My bios are 11 and 14 and are next to never home and when they are they are in their rooms entertaining themselves. I t just pisses me off and SO defense is well we didn’t have plans and we are broke. I don’t give a flying fuck if we are broke or don’t have plans it doesn’t mean I want little kids running around my house every god damn weekend. I fucken work all week and want some fucking peace!!

God some days I just want to wave the right flag and run for the hills screaming fuck you BM; fuck you SO I am out!!!!!!!!!!!!
