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The new principal got an ear full!

justmakingthebest's picture

I had left several messages and an email with the new elementary principal who handles all of the 504 plans for the school (It is a k-12 school). She finally responded today after I got the high school side involved. 

I told her everything. All of the fake diseases. The proof that he didn't have all of the stuff he does have. How SS has told us he wants to go into the military and with this fake heart condition that she is still claiming he has at the school, he won't be allowed in. That we suspect her end game is to get him on social security so he can keep being her little paycheck after child support stops. I let it all out. She was blown away. She kept saying "I had no idea". I kept saying, "I am sure you didn't". I know his grandma works in the cafeteria and the school has felt this need to protect BM but it is over. After her forging health department documents and having an active criminal case against her, she isn't going to be able to keep getting away with this. 

I was assured that it would all be corrected and updated and we would see a new 504 with ADHD off, POTS off, Dyslexia off. The only thing still on is the damn EDS and I told her that unfortunately since she doctor shopped and found one finally that she lied to about him having dislocations at the school, which the coach and HS principal swear never happened, we are stuck with that one in paperwork for now. However, since she isn't taking him to physical therapy or his pain management doctors it is a joke. If he actually went to any of those they would see right thought EDS too and that he is a NORMAL and HEALTHY kid. However, getting a diagnosis and then never going back for a follow up makes it really hard to show that he doesn't have it, it is just sitting there on his record.

God BM pisses me off!! I am sure it will be tons of fun for her to get the new 504 paperwork in the mail though LMAO!


DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

The military will do a medical/request medical records at a particular stage in the recruitment process. 

Keep evidence of BM trying to get inaccurate/fake diagnoses. 

If his diagnoses are fake is there any way his dad could take him to the drs instead of his mum and explain the situation? 

justmakingthebest's picture

She got awarded full medical decision making. The judge refused to even see our evidence and said he wasn't going to listen to mud slinging. Her health department forgery was the best gift to us. Now it has to be brought up because of the criminal aspect .

ndc's picture

Anything new on the forgery case? I will be upset if she gets away with that, and I don't even know her!

It'll be interesting to see if the school really comes through or if BM manages to make them think you are just the evil stepmother trying to hurt her and SS. So far people in her little town seem to have stuck with her.  I hope that changes and they see the truth.

justmakingthebest's picture

As of Monday it was still with the City Attorney.  We are going to ask our lawyer to push next week.