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Update #5

justmakingthebest's picture

Y'all.... I can't make this s**t up.

BM texts DH this morning saying SS rolled his ankle and can only travel by car. She attached a Dr. Note.

Of course I call the rural hospital to get to the bottom of it. They say they can only talk to DH. Sure, no problem. He calls them. The Dr. gets on the phone and said she backed him into a very uncomfortable corner and he knew something was up. Of course SS can fly. That is way better than a 22 hr drive. Sure, he will send over a revised note. No problem.

FH just sent it to BM. We wanted to wait until the hospital closed. We spoke to our lawyer... I have his personal cell. At this point if she doesn't put him on a plane, we can show that she is batshit crazy and have the proof! 

What are your bets? Flat tire? Car accident? What else can she come up with?? Will he show tomorrow? 

Will let you know!!


SteppedOut's picture


She is hell bent on ss not coming this year. Seriously obsessive at this point. To the point she is likely going to end up in jail.

Does she have later in life presenting mental illness? Gone from GUBM to bizzare.


thinkthrice's picture

On her NOT going to jail.   She has the BM get out of jail free card.  Judges do not want accountability for the sacred cow of the holy first family BM.

SteppedOut's picture

Maybe not for family court stuff...but the falsifying a health department notice? Idk if they are gonna let that go...

Winterglow's picture

I agree, would they do nothing if she was caught shoplifting just because she's a BM? I doubt it. 

ESMOD's picture

Won't be jail. A fine maybe community service.  She will plead covid fear... judge will be lenient

Felicity0224's picture

I have no words. She's so unhinged that she can't see how transparent it is to repeatedly attempt to manufacture medical reasons for SS to not travel? That is nothing short of bat shit crazy.

Stepping Along's picture

I have no idea, absolutly none, how you handle this crap - this is just beyonnnnnnndddd!! Plane, car, bloody walk on that ankle, someone is going to have to look after him when her ass is in the slammer!

One thing that does make me curious (and quite sad - although i know you have gone more than through it so not that sad) is what possibley goes through SS's head with all this crap? I know when he is with you guys he is fine and its like nothing has ever happened, but when not with you guys not only is he a different person but he is an extension of the craziness and abuse. Its like some twisted, deep-rooted form of stolkhom syndrome (i guess thats just exterene PAS in this case)... but still, there is no way in hell he is ever going to be able to have a normal relationship with anyone, right?

tog redux's picture

My SSstb21 was similar to hers in that he was fine with us and then in Stockholm Syndrome mode when with BM.

So far, nope - not able to have normal relationships with anyone. His first serious GF was batshit crazy and ended up filing charges on him when he broke up with her, then offering to pay him if he got back together.

I do think it's interesting, though, justmakingthebest - this time it's not your SS telling DH he doesn't want to come, it's her making excuses why he can't.  And I know he's been talking to DH more when she's not around, so maybe something shifted for him.

thinkthrice's picture

Go through relationships certainly faster than they change their underwear.   Probably a bad analogy in THEIR case.

OSS(24) was the least PASed out of the three and truly liked me at one point.  He is engaged to a seemingly nice girl, but has no real career path of his own.

As for what the BM will do next...the Gir would say he came down with a cold and doesn't want to frighten the other passengers with covid like symptoms.  That way she could again outwardly appear "caring" to others, which is everything to HCGUBMs to keep up the ruse of MOTY and all around wonderful person.

justmakingthebest's picture

Amazingly enough... he got on the plane.

We aren't sure if this is good or bad news. She did not respond to DH's email about the new dates. 

I am with many of you in my thoughts this time. Does SS know she forged documents and the police are investigating. What was going through his mind when his mom was DEMANDING that a note be written a certain way? Is he finally seeing her for something other than the martyr the portrays?

tog redux's picture

Well, in the past, he himself got on the phone and told DH he didn't want to come, and this time he didn't; so she was forced to forge documents and bully doctors. That says something.

Do you guys plan to tell him what she did?

lieutenant_dad's picture

This is one of the few times where I think disclosing all the BS is a reasonable approach. He is getting to an age where he needs to know the kinds of positions BM will put him in. 

ndc's picture

I hope you have a great visit. 

I was stunned to see that he got on the plane!  I did not expect that at all after all her shenanigans.

MissK03's picture

WOW! I'm shocked he actually made his flight. Hopefully it's a nice visit! 

Should be interesting to see how he acts... considering all these wild antics his mother tried pulling all week... 

lieutenant_dad's picture

She knows she effed up and got caught. This time, though, it's not the idiot family judge that she has to contend with. She's in ACTUAL trouble with CRIMINAL Court. My hope is that her lawyer either fired her or made it very plainly clear that she needs to knock this sh*t off or she'll be fighting her battles with a public defender because no attorney will touch either of her cases with a 30 foot pole.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

It is unlikely BM will get jail time. But sometimes you can fight to have BM fined.

Thumper's picture

He will get off the plane and say GOSH I MISSED you both sooooooooooo much, right?

Try to have a nice Christmas. Hope you didnt hide the booze somewhere that you cant remember where it is stashed Wink

justmakingthebest's picture

Lol!! Nope, won't forget that!

He probably will and it will be a great visit. All of this drama is BM 1000%

SteppedOut's picture

I mean... but does it feel fake? He surely is old enough to call his dad or whatever... right? At a certain point... at what age will it not be "all bm fault"?