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Taking a old for these....

justthegirlfriend13's picture

I realize that everyone is different and raises their kids differently, I'm taking a poll to find out what age (or ranges) that others think are acceptable/ not acceptable for these things. Please answer with what YOU believe and/or how you are or were with your kids, not necessarily how skids are for instance. So, please take this poll and appease me Smile

How old is too old to:

1) Still be tucked into bed?

2) Still use baby utensils when eating (as in smaller versions of forks, etc. but necessarily baby spoons)?

3) Use spoons over forks for eating things other than soup, ice cream, etc?

4) Only drinking out of cups with lids instead of a regular drinking glass?

5) Using character themed toothbrushes/ toothpaste?

6) Wearing cartoon underwear

7) Being able to make basic foods for oneself (sandwiches, toast, popcorn, microwaveable meals)?


justthegirlfriend13's picture

Thanks for the responses so far least I know I'm not crazy.

Out of all of the things I posted above, SS10 is still having problems with them all! SO and I differ on these opinions as he doesn't make him do any of this stuff. We've even gotten into arguments because when they come to my house, I make them eat properly for instance and employ proper table manners.

SS10 still eats things like mashed potatoes, chinese food, veggies like broccoli, etc. with spoons, will not use adult utensils, not sure he has ever been taught or made to drink out of a regular glass and the only thing he is capable of is pouring juice into his cup, but anything else he acts like his fingers are broken. I searched online for others opinions on things like the cartoon underwear and most people think that should stop by now and that if not already, by the time he gets to middle school next year, he'll be teased mercilessly. I think SO should already start preparing the kid for growing up a bit, but as seems to be the norm around here, he's a lazy parent.

I know it's all SO that does coddle him, but I wanted to just get others opinions on these age ranges to make sure I wasn't out of line. My DD will be 21 next month so it's been quite a while since I went through these things. Wink

justthegirlfriend13's picture

Thats what I thought too! I know it's been a while since my DD was that age, but at least I'm not totally senile yet LOL

This kid doesn't do anything. Sits in his room all day every day playing video games. The neighbors have like 5 kids, all around the ages of both SS and SD and yet SS never wants to play with them. They asked him one time (maybe more) to spend the night when SD was already there spending the night with the girls and SS' response was "I'm ssscccarrred" *rolls eyes*

He is very much behind for his age, but SO doesn't want to open his eyes to see any of it, but instead thinks that everyone picks on his little boy and makes excuses for him. :sick:

justthegirlfriend13's picture

ROFL. I had no idea they made adult underwear with superheros on the crotch! LMAO!!!!!

I've seen boxers that have designs on them, but briefs?? Really???

twoviewpoints's picture

I was about to take your poll with my thoughts on appropriate age, until I saw your skids are like 10 and 11. So I'm not going to waste time scrolling back and forth to see question and then enter my answer.

The only one that seems reasonable for your SSs to still be doing is the toothbrush/paste thing (as said above, who cares as long as they brush) and the undies. Those cartoon underwear will disappear quick enough as soon as their peers get a peek of them in the gym locker room. As to the tucking in, that's between Dad and them. If Dad wants to tuck his kids in and kids are stilling wanting it, meh, let them. Time comes soon enough that kids think they're too old for such a thing...but everybody (even adults) need a hug now and then.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

1) Still be tucked into bed? - 6

2) Still use baby utensils when eating (as in smaller versions of forks, etc. but necessarily baby spoons)? - 4, but SD13 is teeny tiny and was in a car "booster" seat until age 10 bec she didn't weigh enough, still have a baby spoon in kitchen omg

3) Use spoons over forks for eating things other than soup, ice cream, etc? - 8

4) Only drinking out of cups with lids instead of a regular drinking glass? - 5

5) Using character themed toothbrushes/ toothpaste? - 5

6) Wearing cartoon underwear - I dunno, they all wear it, it's the latest fad right lol? I say 6......?

7) Being able to make basic foods for oneself (sandwiches, toast, popcorn, microwaveable meals)? 10, or else they'll blow something up

furkidsforme's picture

1) Still be tucked into bed? 7-8

2) Still use baby utensils when eating (as in smaller versions of forks, etc. but necessarily baby spoons)? no later than 5

3) Use spoons over forks for eating things other than soup, ice cream, etc? 3

4) Only drinking out of cups with lids instead of a regular drinking glass? 4

5) Using character themed toothbrushes/ toothpaste? Meh. Who cares as long as they brush.

6) Wearing cartoon underwear COme on, that is fabulous. Until they want to stop. As long as there are no skid marks, who cares?

7) Being able to make basic foods for oneself (sandwiches, toast, popcorn, microwaveable meals)? 6

momof3smof2's picture

How old is too old to:

1) Still be tucked into bed?


2) Still use baby utensils when eating (as in smaller versions of forks, etc. but necessarily baby spoons)?

4 or 5, depending on the kid

3) Use spoons over forks for eating things other than soup, ice cream, etc?


4) Only drinking out of cups with lids instead of a regular drinking glass?


5) Using character themed toothbrushes/ toothpaste?


6) Wearing cartoon underwear


7) Being able to make basic foods for oneself (sandwiches, toast, popcorn, microwaveable meals)?

I assume you mean when should they be able to. Whenever their parents teach them.

Maxwell09's picture

Tucking the kid in? Idk maybe 6

Baby untensils? Stepson just turned 3 and he never uses baby spoons and rarely the mid-sized kid forks

Using spoons for more than soup? I still do this, Ive always preferred spoons

Drinking cups with lids? I drink out of a mug of tea (southern lol)or my starbucks cup that also has a lid but for a sippy cup? We stopped that at 2 and yes there were plenty of accidents

character themed toothbrushes? maybe 6

wearing cartoon underwear? I love wearing cute underwear so I would let my skid wear them as long as they wanted

making basic foods? 8? or tall enough to reach the microwave (overtop the stove)

Its all really personal preference and whichever task the parents put priority on