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Court Today

kim1960's picture

Just talked to soon to be DH before he went in to the court room. His attorney said BM's attorney is going to focus on the tax exemption and not paying our half of the chiropractor and counseling bills. He is sure we will get her on the contempt charge for her numerous violations of the Joint Parenting Agreement. On the tax exemption it could go either way, BM says he should not get it every other year as we no longer keep ss for weekend visitation every other week. They were stopped because of her relentless questioning of ss-age 4 and her unending accusations about "adult things" being done and said in front of ss by us and about our care of him, how he had to take "dirty showers" (WTF!) when he was with us, SS's-age 12 jealousy of ss-4, how we didn't feed him properly etc. To give her the tax exemption is, I feel rewarding her for her behavior but if the judge rules that way so be it. We can handle that. But we are really praying that he punishes her for what she has done as far as trying to alienate him from his father, for changing daycares without telling BF, for not notifying us that ss had a staph infection and was having surgery for it, for signing ss up for basketball and not telling us so that we missed every game, etc. Also for telling ss that his dad is mean to his mommy and is taking her to court. BF's attorney said the whole thing should take about an hour and half. We are not sure if the judge will rule today or not, I hope he does so we don't have to wait and this will finally be over. Another interesting thing, BF received the results of ss screening for Pre-K done by the school district. It included a copy of the questionaire that BN filled out last Friday. In it is asks if the child has ever experienced trauma or violence in the home. BM wrote yes, but not since she had separated from his father and divorced him. BF was makes him sound like some kind of abuser or something. Well I will let you know how it goes today. Hopefully we will know something in about two hours.......but am I nervous even though I know we are right for doing this.


Dawn-Moderator's picture

I hope it goes well. Let us know when you find out.


Caitlin's picture

I'm sending all the good vibes I can muster for a positive outcome. Please keep us posted.

Hanny's picture

Let us know how it goes.