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CAS back with BM - It was only a matter of time :)

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So, as the title states, CAS (Children's Aid Society) is back on with BM *insert hysterical laugh here* Apparently, HER stepmother called them to tell them that BM is living with a guy (her on/off bf of 6 years) who was deemed "unfit to be around children", so now, CAS is back with her to make sure that the kids come to no harm *eye roll*

First of all, when they were living in their old townhouse complex (low income housing), she caught him "flirting" with another woman, so she got mad and called the cops on him, falsely accusing him of "inappropriate behaviour around SD". He wasn't charged, mind you, but she thought she got back at him pretty good. Fast forward a few months, and she's back with him. Fast forward AGAIN one year and she's LIVING with the guy; but CAS was still with her, so he had to sneak in/out the back way so they wouldn't see him (how's THAT for showing your kids what a healthy relationship entails?). Eventually, CAS closed the case as they didn't have anything to "hold against her" anymore. BUT because she lives in low income housing, she needs to keep it quiet that she's got another (working) adult living with her - I mean, the $200/month rent is already pretty steep, isn't it? Anyway, she must have done something to piss off her stepmother (again!) because she/SM called CAS and now, they are back on with her. And THIS time, she's got a female social worker, who I hope doesn't buy the bullshit tears and stories that she obviously fed to her last social worker who was male (not to be sexist, but I'm sure all men get uncomfortable around women who cry who aren't their wives/gf/sisters/mothers/daughters).

When FH was telling me this, I was laughing the whole time. She brought it all on herself - because she was mad, she had to go and call the cops (which is how she "resolves" problems) and now her BF is "off limits" around the kids, which in turn, gives her stepmother (or anyone else who knows her) ammunition to call CAS on her. But in all honesty, both FH and I don't see anything wrong with the guy. He (for some strange reasons unknown to humanity) WANTS to be with her and the kids - he's even got their handprints tattooed on his back! *gag* Why he wants to be a part of the mess that is her life, I'll never know. And get this, they're engaged now! (Yeah, and only a few months after FH and I got engaged - sure, there's NOOOOO competition there! *eye roll*) So, she's now engaged to a guy who shouldn't even be around her kids...

I just hope that this new social worker will give her a good kick in the pants and help her prioritize her life (fat chance!). FH told me that we shouldn't hope too hard because if they take the kids from her, they'll probably end up at OUR house! Sad And we cannot handle these two! So we have to be "neutral" if they come and talk to us. Anyway, she'll fight tooth and nail for the kids because if the kids go, the money goes, too. So, we're kind of sitting on a double-edged sword here. But that little piece of news made my weekend all the more enjoyable Smile