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The rotten apple doesn't fall far...

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So, we just had the kids again this past wkend. All was good until Sunday (I'm surprised we lasted that long!). The kids (SD9, SS11 and BS6) were playing XBox in the tv room; and as per usual, SS11 starts bugging the hell out of the other kids. I heard my son saying at one point "Don't call me a loser!" and he actually smacked SS11 across the face! :jawdrop: Now, I don't promote hitting, but SS11 deserved it Evil (And yes, I talked to my son about it and told him to come to either me or DH next time)

Anyway, something went on and SD9 stormed out of the room. So of course, SS11 has to follow her and start calling her names ("fat frickin' something or other") and threatening her. I spoke up then, as I always do when SS11 starts up with his bullying. He ignored me and called her something else. I called his name in a stern voice, and how does he respond? "LALALALALALA!" :jawdrop: It was then that DH came out of the bathroom and reprimanded him for disrespecting me. So instead of shutting up (as most NORMAL children would), he starts threatening to have DH CHARGED! :jawdrop: By the POLICE! :jawdrop: For some made-up allegation! :jawdrop: Then the whole thing blew up with SS11 spewing out more threats and names, and DH taking away any summer privileges (for example, we just got a pool). On and on it went - there was no shutting the dang kid up!

So, after DH (finally) brings them back home, he gets a text from who else but Dumbass (I'll be calling BM "Dumbass" now because she is!). She sent an angry text (is there any other kind?) saying how "fed up" she was with his "c*** wife, yelling at her kids and treating them like sh*t and making them cry" (btw, I only yelled at SS11 and in SD9's defense), and that the next time she sees me (which is NEVER because I never go with DH to get the kids; and if she ever follows him back to our house, I will be on the phone with the police myself, citing her for trespassing), she's "smashing me" :jawdrop: Nice, huh? Now we know where SS11 gets his temper and tendency to threaten people! I can just bet you that he was laughing as she was texting DH, which shows you just how f*ucked in the head she is! Meanwhile, SD9 confided in me that when SS11 talks like that to her, she "beats him"! So, how is yelling any worse than actually physically dealing with the kid??? Well, I'm fed up, too, with always getting sh*t on any time we try to enforce any rules in our own house! But you can bet if it was the other way around, and my kids were going over to her house, she'd be yelling at them all day! And BTW, DH told me that while he was waiting for Dumbass to get home, the skids were hurting each other, hence the crying! She may want to get her facts straight before she goes shooting her mouth off!

Dumbass must be bored right now because the only time she starts up drama is when everything's quiet between her and DH. And funnily enough, she does this every summer, when she'll have the kids 24/7; when stuff like this happens, DH doesn't get the kids. Right now, we won't be seeing the kids in a month because they're going camping the next time it's their wkend with us - which suits us just fine.

Anyway, it's all fine and good. I won't stoop to her level by name-calling (oops! too late!) and threatening. I've got more of an education on how to maturely deal with certain situations. Plus, it's Dumbass - she calls anyone who doesn't pay attention to her a "c***"! What more can we expect? She is a poor excuse of a human being!