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Sbrats come over tonight (BOO!) ... So I'm ...

lac925's picture

...making supper right NOW (it's 11:30am where I live) just to avoid the ever-irritating "When's supper gonna be done?", and "Is supper done yet?" and "How much longer for supper?", oh and don't forget the "What are we having for supper?" UGH! Shut the F up! You'd think these kids never eat! Oh wait! They DON'T eat at home! :? I'm making a lasagna (which DOES need some prep time), which they no doubt with INHALE the minute it's in front of them!

Last night, I told DH that I'm not going to eat until AFTER the kids have eaten, just so I can actually sit and ENJOY the food that I've taken the time to prepare! He said he'd join me! Blum 3

I'm so dreading this weekend. We haven't seen the kids in 3 weeks (since they were last here) when the sh*t hit the fan with SS12. This weekend is my BS6's 7th birthday and I don't want them to ruin it by taking the attention away from his special day.

On the bright side, DH will be taking SS12 with him to work (both Sat AND Sun!) so that he doesn't have a chance to start up trouble at home (which is what he did LAST time and caused the whole drama with BM). YAY!


lillfiredog's picture

Yay, he can keep him company at work. I hate cooking for the ss's. They are older teens and picky like you would not believe. If it doesn't come out of a box from the freezer.... they don't want it. It's sickening. Oh, and thier mother is a child social worker... Go f*cking figure.