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Im harsh...even though i have not talked to ss in days.

Ladystark's picture

Its been great actually. He has been at friends houses. I barely see him, or talk to him, and if i have to say something i text it.

Well ss comes home for dinner last night.

Dh starts talking to him about school, apparently the school program for hw and school work is back up and running. So dh got notifications. He starts asking him about the missing work, and his gym shirt he has yet to buy. (He lost 3 gym shirts last year, and dh bought him a plain grey one that he wont wear, because its toooo hot!! He wears jeans to school!) Ss is just filled with excuses. Anyway ss needs to "get it together" without any punishment if he does not "get it together", drives me nuts.

I feel like smacking dh, like wake up idiot!

Anyway ss asks dh about getting ready for bed. (This is ss way of getting out of school work convo- yes i know what he is doing! This goes over dhs head!)

Ss knows he has to get ready for bed at 830pm. No if ands or butts. Its the only thing im invovled in is bedtime.
Ive tried to disengage on that but i cant! For a few reasons. He asked dh about bedtime, because on monday he waited till after dh got in shower, then distracted and talked to dh for half hour, did not brush his teeth till almost tuesday i go in his room, at 8pm and tell him to get ready for bed. Omg he is,shocked...what 8pm! Well im over the warnings. He is going to be 13, bedtime crap does not change for the entire school year. What he is trying to do, is hide out till dad forgets about him then he wont brush his teeth or put his,rubberbands for braces in. I will not waiver on bedtime.nope.
Dh reminded him wednesday.(so he lucked out on an 8pm bedtime)
Since ss was getting irritated dad was calling him out on things. I guess he wanted to drag me in. He asked dh about his bedtime, dh said 830. Ss cant drop it, says well she said 8pm, so what is it? Looking at me. (I did not say a word, if felt like they were starring at me for 15minutes) finally dh says are you going to answer him? Why?! Why should i entertain this? So i say "you already answered him, he knows 830pm." Done. Ss is not done. Whines but on tuesday you said 8pm i just need to know 8 or 830p because blah blah blah.

Me " your father told you 830, you know 830, if you feel you cannot trust yourself with 830, then maybe you should set your alarm on your phone for 8. If you keep talking to me it will be 730. Your choice."

Ss shuts mouth stomps in room.

Dh "why do you have to be so harsh."

Me ready for war now!!!

What? Harsh? Are you kidding me? You let him direct that stupid ass attitude towards me!!! Wtf.

I should have texted ss my response.

So we end up having a fight.

He finally apologized. I can tell he still is not sure how its his fault, or why im mad.

I cannot say anything to this tween! Dh is such an effing pushover!! Ahhhhhh
Maybe ss bad habits would not be coming back so fast if you would start having a backbone!! His "i forgot" has gotten to a new level, and some of his adhd habits are starting to happen, because NOONE is on him or making him follow through!!!

Man felt good to vent...


Monchichi's picture

:sick: he has braces and he doesn't brush his teeth nor put his bands in? What a complete waste of money!

Acratopotes's picture

vent away Starkie, vent away.....

mmm adhd habits - no sounds more like being a brat and having tantrums to get his way...

Next time tell SS.... if you ask me it's 8 if you ask Dad it's 8:30 get use to it, we are different people with different minds, but believe me creep if one punishes you for not listening or disrespecting the other adult we will decide on punishment together, 2 vs 1 and you will not enjoy it, now stop talking back and move it....

if DH says something... look him straight in the eye..... with the "look" and say.... bed or coach?

Ladystark's picture

Yes brat level is up. Ive noticed the adhd with him getting a snack. Im usually in there, or i make him come back to kitchen to clean up. I have been letting go of that. Ill come into the kitchen and cabinet doors are wide open, 4 different snacks are out, maybe a plate or a cup, or juice he did not put away! It looks like 3 kids were in there, not 1! Lol.

Acratopotes's picture

Mail Online had a couple of articles this week which made me laugh...

first one was parents being ticked off due to children being send home for not wearing the correct prescribed school uniforms.... so who's teaching the kids to disrespect rules? PARENTS are..

today there was a story about mother's complaining about their teens being brats.... lists of things these kids does to get the parents angry....... why do kids do this... cause their parents are afraid of them and let them be,
I loved the comments below..... stop taking crock from your kid and punish him, better yet do not allow your kid to get away with stuff from age 2... parent your kid!!!

Aergia never cleans anything.... one after noon at home will result in so many dirty dishes and jelly smears on the counter tops..... I get highly ticked off and refuse to go there before SO can assure me he cleaned the house...
she's 17....... sloth galore.... why cause SO cleans after her... he never tells her to do anything, if he dares she screams and swears at him and cry cause she's COD

Ladystark's picture

I hate it! We as parents have to be "mean" sometimes!

I just hate that i see the other factors, and dh is blind.

I have to sit and listen to excuse after excuse about a gym uniform, and why he cant turn a paper in, and ss saying rude and smart-assy things to his father "well, you can text me to remind me about stuff, too."
Yes your father is at work all day, and your only task to to remember to buy a t-shirt!!!

It just makes me so angry, but if i pipe up then im the mean/ harsh one and the ahole that gave him a punishment.

I swear if i said some ahole stuff like that to my mother, id regret it for the rest of the week!!

You can text me to remind me- efff you ss!!!

simifan's picture

Call DH out then and there... Really? You are going to let your kid disrespect not only an adult, but your wife?

And then go for some retail therapy.

moeilijk's picture

I've noticed that often in an argument, the other person has no clue what I'm upset about because they think what I've said, which is about this specific situation is all there is. But usually, if I'm upset, it's because this specific situation is just the latest in a long line of almost-identical irritating events that the other person never-ever resolves properly.

I hate to admit it, but what works for me is to wait until I'm calm, and then explain the difference between my expectations and reality. And why that particular reality won't work for me.

Tuff Noogies's picture

"yup, at 8 i DID tell you to get ready for bed - that's the time you start preparing for an 830 bedtime, so when the time comes you are ready for lights-out at 830." easy peasy.

your dh is being an @$$hat. no need to get so d@mn defensive. from the sounds of it, you didnt talk to him any differently than i would talk to ANY kid. he only thought it was hard cuz it was directed towards his speeshul snowflake. i do NOT miss the days of kid-glove handling the boys, and hearing "sheeee's meeeean" and "sheeee looked at me wrooooong" and all that BS. dont miss it at ALL!!!

Ladystark's picture

Ive been trying hard to word things in a way i do not get sucked into pointless arguments.

Ss still tries to give arguing a go though!

Cover1W's picture

Yeah, this is just like me and DH the past two days...I posted over in the Forums about my last two days.