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Wow. BM really ISN'T suppose to have custody. I can not believe what happened.

LaMareOssa's picture

I found BM's Psych Evaluation lastnight. It's official and it's on paper that the bitch is crazy.

DH has been working on his paper work every night for his modification request. He has a ton of evidence and police reports he must submit with his request. I was helping and I found both DH's and BM's psycological evaluations from their previous custody battle. OMG...BM is nuts. The Guaridan Ad Litem(child lawyer) and the psychologist as well as the parenting investigator said that BM has "a severe anger problem" as well as "using alienation on her other two children and will likely use alienation with [SD]"
BM has Borderline Personality Disorder with Histrionic features, as well has sereve anger and emotional issues. Along with sereve impulse control.

The GAL, pareting investigator, and the Dr. recommened to the courts that SD be removed from Ms. Bm's care due to the issues decribed above. They said DH was a great father who had no emotional or impulse control issues and who does not use PAS.

I asked DH WTH happened? Why is SD with BM? Why is she not here? DH explained that he was young, had a crappy lawyer who gave up without reading the psyche eval. DH said on the final days his lawyer came up to him and said "I don't know what to do. What should we do? We need to make a deal" OMFG!!!!!

SD was 3 at the time. DH could have already had custody and SD wouldn't be in her messed up situation and she wouldn't be screwed up in the head. Sad