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Don't know where to start... advice from the medical field would be helpful

Last-Wife's picture

without too many details, but we got some SCARY news from Princess 21 today. I'll try to keep this to the point. She has always had serious female troubles, from the time she started in 7th grade. Her cycles would sometimes last for 2 weeks at a time, and she actually went like that for about 2 years before finally telling someone, because she thought it was normal! Even before her period started, she would get UTIs a lot and yeast infections. We always figured it was a result of a not so nice experience that happened to her when she was much younger... ¿Comprendes?

Jump ahead a few years, she's still got problems. I just found out at Christmas that her first PAP test last summer came back with an abnormality so they wanted to test her again! Her PAP was in June! When I asked her why she put it off, she said she was afraid because Loca is always crying "cancer." I made her go. I actually went with her and held her hand.

I've been bugging her all week about the results. She called yesterday and needed me to move money into her account for college text books. I told her I wouldn't unless she called the doctor's office today to get her results! So she called and the results were in but the doctor needed to read them and would call back.

He finally did this afternoon. There's something there. He wants to do what's called a colposcopy? i've researched a little this evening. It seems like this is a test that is usually run when there is a complication from HPV? Or when there could be cervical cancer?

What does all this mean? What advice do I give her? She doesn't want Loca to know or to be there. She says she's fine and it's no big deal, but she's not officially diagnosed with bipolar, but I know she is. She must be freaking out.

Does it make a difference that she had the Guardasil vaccine when she was 15? She did not become sexually active until she was 18? She regrets now making that decision. She and her new boyfriend of 4 months have not had sex- or so she says. She says she hasn't had sex since she broke up with her last boyfriend in August...

i'm freaking out. Her dad is freaking out. What do we do? What do we say? What do we need to be prepared for?


doll faced sm's picture

I had cervical cancer from HPV that was caught very early. The first colpo after the pap was to confirm the pap results and scrape. It hurts! Tell her to take a pain killer like Tylenol at least 30 minutes before the colpo.

First, they will take a sample similar to the pap. Then, they stain the cervics with iodine and vinegar. Healthy cells stain one way and cancerous cells another, but I forget which stain dark and which stain light. If the stain test shows visual evidence of cancerous cells, they will scrape them off; they will also take a biopsy of the cervics with this thing that looks like a tiny bird beak on the end of a rod. Then they will take one more pap-like sample to see if there are cancerous cells remaining.

If there are none on the second sample, they will likely schedule a follow-up pap in 6 months. For me, I had colpos every three months until I was clear, then paps six months for two years to make sure I stayed clear. I just had my final every-six-months pap in Oct.

Sunflower1's picture

There is non-HPV cervical cancer too. My sister was recently told she needs to have the surgery where they burn her cervix in order to get rid of the abnormal cells. There are plenty of women who go through this and never have problems again. The key here is prevention and catching it early, that's the whole point of Pap smears. So while it's scary, it's doing what it's supposed to. Try not to let her see your fear. She's the one who is physically going through this, she needs someone calm and strong for her.

Lalena75's picture

I've had reoccuring abnormal PAP's 2 colpos all over the last 10 years. I'm not dying, it's never advanced beyond dysplasia and usually corrects itself or the biopsy removes all the abnormal cells. My exh kindly cheated on me and his ho bag cum bucket had HPV I was ever so lucky to get it too. she had a full hyso because she never got checked and it became cancer (good I don't feel bad for the whore) but I'm diligent about regular check ups and follow ups and I've been fine. my last 3 PAP's (every 6 mo) have been normal. there are many things that could be going on but ignoring it won't do any good. The first couple times I had abnormal results I was an angry wreak because of my ex now I just get checked regular.