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Glad life returns to normal...

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Loghead went back to work Monday; the skids, Gibby and I went back to school/work today. Things are ALMOST back to normal. Princess can't get back into the dorm until Sunday...

She's been really cranky all through break. I'm almost glad she took off to her mother's today, even though that makes her comes home in an even worse mood. The "air" at Loca Grande's house has a weird affect on her...

I'll be glad when she goes back and our life returns to it's usual pattern. I am not a "sloth" type person. Her sleeping until 2pm, and then facebooking all night is wearing thin. The doctor and dietician we've met with over the last 2 weeks agree she does have some sort of food issue. We've bought her her favorites, yet all I still see are jolly rancher wrappers laying around the house- the only evidence she's eaten anything. She can't even be bothered to take 2 minutes to start a load of laundry, or take 2 extra steps to put her tea cup in the dishwasher. Frankly, I'm getting tired of it. I'd rather clean up after the stepboys than her crap everywhere!

She leaves Sunday...


Last-Wife's picture

She had a panel of blood tests run. Everything came back within the "normal" limits, except for her cholesterol. The normal range is between 100- 169. Hers was 196.

No, the candy thing is not normal.

Even though she's been here off and on since the 13th of December, I still haven't really seen her eat a meal. On Sunday, she rushed out the door to church, and didn't eat anything. She came home and I offered to make her lunch. She didn't want to eat, so she drank an Ensure...

She and Loghead met with dietician las Thursday. Since the dietician works with Gibby and I for our kids' health class, I did not go along. i didn't want Princess to be uncomfortable... She encouraged Princess to take Ensure WITH A REGULAR DIET to build back up nutrients. All I've seen Princess do is use it as a replacement...

Last night, I fixed fried chicken. All she did was pick off the crunchy coating, but I never saw her eat any of the meat.

I love her. I'm worried. But I'm kinda worn out...

Last-Wife's picture

That's what I was thinking too, and the sugar gives her just enough energy to sit on Facebook till 2am... LOL