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HOT date tonight!

Last-Wife's picture

So Loghead promised to take me out last night, and then backed out at the last minute because he remembered he had to take SS14 and 15 to basketball practice. Well screw that!

I am going out tonight with my four best friends and we have a date with a cool vamp and a HOT werewolf!

Since all of us actually live out of town- in fact one friend is actually flying half way across the country just to go to the movies with me tonight- we are all getting a hotel room for the night.

When I say good bye to Loghead, Gibby and the skids this morning, I'm headed to the city for a day of shopping, eating, hanging with friends and a 7 hour movie marathon and I won't see them again until LATE Wednesday night!


Last-Wife's picture

In the "city" our movie theatre is showing Twilight at 7pm, New Moon at 9:30 and Eclipse at midnight.

We're a group of teachers that got hooked on the Twilight Saga in August 2009, and we have made a big deal about each of the movies and DVD releases.

A bunch of 30+, 40+, 50+ year old women, drooling over fictional characters... Laughing like a bunch of 15 year olds, but hell! Have you seen Taylor Lautner's abs?!