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"I am at peace now..." some updates for those that know me

Last-Wife's picture

This was the text I received from Loca Grande last week. I had been trying to get ahold of her and her husband for 2 weeks. Lazy Boye had been presented with some amazing opportunities and we were trying to reach her with good news. But they never answered back. I figured they had new phones and hadn't bothered to share the new humbers with us. I didn't want it to come back and bite us in the butt that she didn't know about the upcoming public event that the whole county would be talking about! So I went out of my way to go to the post office and mail her a quick post card with the news.

Three days later, she texts and thanks me for the info, but says she is not interested in attending. "The kids are all over 18, and they don't need me know to be their mother. THey are not interested in talking to me, or visiting me. They only contact me when they need something. It has been weeks since I've talked to them and I am floating on a river of peace. Some day they will need me again, but until then, I have to take care of myself. I am a good mother. Some day they will remember that. So you win. You get the kids. For the first time ever, I truly feel I am divorced from Loghead. I don't have to contact him or bother you for information. You have always been good to me and I appreciate that. But for now it is over. WE will attend graduation, but that is the end of my involvement."

Well, okay then. I really didn't know what to say. I texted I was glad she was peaceful and that I would soon contact her with graduation info.

So this big event came up... And it grew to be STATE news. For about a week, Lazy Boye and his classmates were all over the local news. She had to have seen it! But not once did she call, show up, or contact him.

Frankly, I think that makes her a bigger POS than I already knew her to be...


Jsmom's picture

Sounds like my BM. She will never be involved unless it is convenient for her. Congrats on the achievement and maybe since she has found peace she will no longer be a problem.