Loghead opens his eyes to Princess
I told Loghead yesterday that I thought Princess had an eating issue. he asked me what I based that on, and I told him. Being a science teacher, he knew...
She wandered in and out of the kitchen, getting ready to meet friends. He watched her and grabbed her for a hug. When she left the room after the hug, he went and got the bathroom scale, and left it in the kitchen. We left the room to see what she would do.
Sure enough, she came in and stepped on it. She started screaming, "Oh, my God!"
I stayed out, watching from the sidelines, but Loghead run up to her and she said she had no idea she'd lost so much weight. He told her to get on again and show him. 96.3 pounds!
She did seem amazed by this, not pleased. He sat her down and talked to her a bit about the facts of eating disorders. He told her she was going to eat and she was going to the doctor Monday.
she said "no thanks" she already had plans. he said, "Yes you do. You're going to the doctor. Cancel any other plans."
She didn't put up a fuss... (i take that as a good sign...)
I called the office to leave a message for them to call me right off Monday morning, and our doctor happened to be in on a Saturday morning(!), and I explained what was going on. He said, "That's not good" and told me to bring her in at 9 on Monday.
I have arranged for a sub for school all day, since he did mention they would run lab work, and if we are at the hospital, it could take awhile. Loghead is trying to figure out how he can get some time to go as well.
While, I was on the phone, he made her bacon and eggs, and she ate it- no arguments.
Later in the day, I thanked him for listening to my concerns and taking me seriously...
Thank you to all who offered advice yesterday. I will share with him the advice given yesterday about how forcing her to eat will just spoil the holiday. But I guess we've all taken the first step.
yes, she's adjusting to college. Yes, she had a bad (but much needed) break-up. Yes, her BM has been a pill these last few months. A lot of the drama she has had these last few months is drama she created for herself...
And I can't say if it is an eating disorder that I am surprised. Even as a little girl, she refused to eat, and would hide food. Then she would hoard away food from other places- school parties or things from her mother's. I remember when we moved from the city and we were doing major cleaning in the house to get it ready to sell. Up on top of the kitchen cabinets was all kinds of food that had been left to sit! There was a PBJ sandwich up there I had total memory of, from about a year earlier. We were getting ready to go to my parents' for christmas and we had made the kids sandwiches since we knew fast food places would be closed Christmas Day. She argued and fussed about eating, and just nibbled at it. I left the room for a minute, and when I came back, the sandwich was gone. She was rubbing her belly and saying how good it was. I didn't believe her. (9 year olds don't make totally believable liars ALL the time...) I checked the trash can. No sandwich...
Loghead asked her about it when we found the petrified sandwich and other things. She thought it was funny. She admitted she threw food out all the time when we weren't looking...
Then things got better for several years.
When she was like 15 and 16, she went through a phase where she ate anything and everything in sight. She would wake up and eat at 3 am! She'd fix mac n cheese and eat the whole box by herself.
Some of these food phases were manic. I saw that from knowing what I know about Bi-Polar. Her BM is diagnosed, and I feel Princess might be as well. We will see our physician Monday, and take it from there...
Prayers would be nice....
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