New member, old mom...
I've stepmommed for awhile. That's why I'm tired.
My DH and I have been married for 10 years. On the day we married, I became- at the age of 24- a mother to a 6 year old girl, and two boys, ages 4 and 3. Seven years ago, we added our own. Which was a total surprise because I had been told I couldn't have kids. When the doctor said, "It isn't the flu..." I nearly threw up on her!
Anyway, the skids are now 17 (just yesterday), 14 and 13. Our youngest is 7. Some days are easier than others. Today happens to be an "even" day. Only 3-4 disagreements... Granted, 17SD was out with DH most of the night, and 14SS was asleep. 13SS spent most of the night fighting with 7. 13 is bipolar- ADHD and it seems to amplify when dad is not around. He spent most of the night on the phone complaining to his bio-mom that I wouldn't let him watch TV and horror of horrors! i was making him do his chores. I'm so mean.
As an elementary teacher and a stepmom, I feel like I've seen it all. Tonight, I don't feel like ranting about it, but I wanted to share some background, cause I feel it reving up, since 17SS will have a birthday party with bio-mom later this week...
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Welcome newbie old-timer. Sounds like you have a pretty good handle on things. Looks like you've been doing the step dance long enough to get a routine. The crazy thing is that it never really gets easy we just adapt and new problems crop up. Hang in there. Something has to be going right for you to still be around.
Hope tomorrow is better for you.
Just because one opens her legs twice, does not a mother make! ~ ME ~ }:-P
teenagers- AGGHHHH!
It was so much easier when the kids were little. Now, all I hear is "why should I..." "Buy me..." "I need..." When they were little, they were helpful and kind and sweet. Most days now I feel like I don't even know the people sitting across the dinner table from me. Like right now, my DH had to attend a night meeting. SD17 is supposed to be studying for the ACT, but I can hear her on the phone; SS14 is asleep; SS13 is tormenting me and my little guy is happily watching Spongebob. I made things sound fine and dandy when I posted last night, but I think that was the happy pills talking... I finally realized other events I haven't shared yet prompted me to need either those or a divorce lawyer... Ugh, SS13 is taunting me. He wants the computer, and his bipolar seems to be in full swing and his medications have worn off for the night. He seems to think that calling me a stupid #$%^& is going to make me desire to get off the computer and let him us it.
The ex called me at 1:30 this afternoon. She knows I'm a school teacher. I hated having to tell her I couldn't talk because she's been ignoring my phone messages for over a week now... And of course now she refuses to answer her phone.
Have things gotten better?
TiredStepmom....I hope things are getting better, esp with SS13. My former husband had bipolar, not fun at all. I am on "happy pills" too....but now being a new stepmom, I am wondering if they even work! LOL I have SS16 who recently moved out to live with BM (not crying over that). SD12 is preteen, premenstrual, living with BM who I believe has borderline personality disorder. Fun times! I have BD7 and BS5, and DH and I just got married 3 months ago. In process of moving into new house with him....I find myself sighing a lot, crying at the drop of a hat, and feeling like my emotions are all over the place. Calgon take me away. BUT....I made a commitment and I am sticking with it. BTW, first husband died....or I would have stuck with him too. Good luck!