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Seriously woman?! (karma gets it's revenge....)

Last-Wife's picture

With all the basketball games the last few weeks, (see post: Bragging Rights) I have had to spend a little time with Loca Grande. She has no idea how pissed I am at her, or that I know she got the skids drunk at Christmas. :sick:

She kept trying to pump me for info about PITA 18 and his girlfriend. She's only met the girl twice and both times was so disgustingly inappropriate, PITA won't let her anywhere near the girlfriend, so I kept ignoring her and trying to deflect her questions. Finally, to get my attention, she announces that she has been approved by her insurance company for bariatric surgery (like gastric bypass, or Lap-Band- more on that in a minute....) "By this time next year, I'll be even skinnier than you!" she gloated.

I couldn't resist. "Really? Cause I was able to lose 30 pounds in the last 8 months by eating healthy and exercising daily with the kids? Didn't cost me a penny!"

That shut her up, as she shoved more of her pretzel in her mouth! LOL Shortly after that, she found an excuse to move about 8 seats away; which was good, cause her cheap whore-house perfume and curly purple/red Ronald McDonald hair was giving me a headache!

She's been trying to get approved for tummy surgery for years. Don't see how she will pass the pysch evals. She was on a health kick this summer, and then had a set back, due to her bipolar meds. One doc told her she could be happy, and mentally healthy or skinny, but not both. She then used this as an excuse to pig out. I swear, she has gained 100 pounds in the last 8 months! I casually mentioned to Princess 20 about her brag, and Princess said "yeah, she's really proud of herself for finally getting fat enough to qualify for the surgery. She plans to eat everything she wants till her appointment in October."

But here's the part Loca may not know or understand- before they do the surgery; the patient has to loose a certain amount of weight on their own, using healthy methods.

And this is petty of me, but I have worked hard to look good! There's no way I want that crazy bitch to be skinnier than me! I'm gonna laugh like hell when the woman can't get the surgery cause she's crazy and can't go through the proper preparation steps...

Sick and twisted on my part, but the woman deserves everything that comes to her after how she's messed up those skids!


oldone's picture

Even if she gets the surgery and loses a lot of weight she will gain it all back if she has not changed her eating habits.

Weight gain is one of the side effects from bipolar meds which is one of the reasons many women go off the meds so often. I'd rather be mentally healthy than skinny any day.

whatwasithinkin's picture

First and foremost let me make you feel alittle better.

She will have a two week liquad diet prior to lapband surgery or gastric.
She probably will not have to lose weight to have the surgery.

If your lucky and really want to watch her suffer and fail she will get a lapband.

I know this because I have one that I am very dedicated too.
For someone who is not dedicated she will not be successful. It is like putting a fat kid in charge of the cookie jar because the tightness of the band is at the mercy of the owner.

And the psych eval a monkey could pass.

So pray lapband...

kathc's picture

^^^^^^^^^^this is true^^^^^^^^^^\

Hope she gets the lapband

Unless she eats REALLY healthy (since she won't get much food down) she's going to become vitamin deficient in no time. Her hair will fall out, her skin will break out, she'll be a mess. She'll spend half her time vomiting if she stuffs herself past what her stomach can handle (which sounds like she will). It could be an amusing show for you to watch Wink

Just J's picture

I have known quite a few people that gained all their weight back after getting the lapband or other stomach surgeries. There are ways to eat around it and too many people who get the surgery are sold on the idea that they don't have to change a thing in their lifestyle and the pounds will just come right off. A friend of my sister's still ate McDonald's etc. all the time and while she got skinny for awhile, she ballooned right back up. I've also known people that got so sick all the time because of it and could only eat certain foods without it upsetting their stomach, so take comfort in the fact that maybe she'll be barfing all the time and/or unable to shove all the junk she loves down her throat.