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She must be on drugs...

Last-Wife's picture

I had to talk to the BM at least 10 times today. We have primary custody, and today was the first time all summer she was going to have all three kids at the same time. She and her hubby and the kids are going on a camping trip and visiting Civil War battle sites in southern Missouri. (The kids are so excited, they can hardly contain themselves! NOT)

She was nearly having a heart attack. She would call to remind me to pack medicine. Then she called back to make sure they had proper shoes for hiking and canoeing. Then she called to make sure the kids packed their cell phone chargers and iPods for the car ride. At one point, I reminded her that this is the stuff I deal with on a daily basis. She got a little annoyed by that...

When I called her around 3 to tell her that DH could meet her 2 hours earlier if she was interested, she verbally froze. "I don't know if I'm ready..." I told her she should have thought of that before giving birth. She laughed and said it was so nice to have me as a BEST FRIEND to help her to remember to take things in stride. "You always know just the right thing to say to calm me down," she said.

Obviously, the doc changed her medications when she went last week...


hopeful12's picture

" I told her she should have thought of that before giving birth"

You go girl.. Sometimes it's the "little" things that make us feel better huh?

Crizzle's picture

"She laughed and said it was so nice to have me as a BEST FRIEND"
How did you not laugh your butt off? Did you ask her if she was kidding?

"They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle. I just wish he didn't have so much confidence in me."

hello's picture

drugs sound like a YES. haha. love a sarcasim. mabe she should have had her stuff ready before worring about the kids that your taking care off. she needs to let off a bit.