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Update on BM

laughterandtears's picture

What a week. We just finished moving into our new house last weekemd and have spent the week unpacking. Of course our homephone # changed and this time, I had it unlisted but my cell number hasn't changed. So Friday I get a call from BM's attorney. She claims that BM is ready to sign the papers that states no visitation and that she also wants to add that she can't object if I want to adopt them. BUT.. ( you seen that comming, didn't you?) BM also wants DH to give up visitation of SD and to agree on no child support since she is raising one and we are raising 2 of her kids. She also wants DH to agree to not objecting to someone adopting SD.

Well, I told attorney that while we agreed to BM signing those papers, we would not do the same as we actually CARE about the kids and not the money they could bring in or the many ways we could use them to get what our way. I also told attorney to tell BM that BEFORE we sign ANYTHING, she will have signed FIRST and it will be on our terms or she can just make that appt. for the pysch eval DHS wants her to take.

Turns out that she would rather not take the eval. So now we are just waiting to see if she really plans on signing these papers or if she has yet another stall tactic up her sleeve.