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I Need Help

lieutenant_dad's picture

I have talked to a few folks about this, but I don't want to lay all of this at their feet solely since I know they have their own stuff going on.

Recap: YSS unexpectedly moved in with DH and I full time at the beginning of January. ET and her husband were losing their apartment and needed to move. Only place available was ET Sr.'s house an hour away. 

If the unexpected move weren't enough, YSS also threatened to kill himself that same week, which I think solidified him living with us. This was not a boy who cried wolf. DH found a missing knife in his room that YSS admitted he took when he was in a low spot. He is now in therapy and has his third appointment next week. Therapist sees signs of suicidal ideation, major depression, and anxiety related to school work.

Next wrench in all of this is YSS's poor grades in *some* of his classes. Basically the classes he doesn't like. Every day, DH and I are checking his gradebook, emailing teachers, creating new schedules of assignments YSS needs to do, etc. YSS is a freshman, so it's a new school with a new way of learning all online. I'm in grad school at the moment and use the same learning management system he uses, and even I can see where he is struggling to keep up with his assignments because they are scattered everywhere without a super-easy way to look at what's due.

So here is where I'm at. We caught him lying about not doing school work. I know there are other issues going on, but we have always told YSS that we'll help him work through whatever problems he has if he's just honest. I'd rather he say "I just effing hate history and don't do the work" than lie to us and his teacher saying he did it. We've pointed out that, unlike middle school, these classes won't go away and he'll have to retake them to graduate.

I'm way out of my depths, and DH is still reeling from YSS being suicidal. He's stepping up, but he's definitely emotionally overwhelmed. Mixed in with all of this is our need to move to YSS's school district, so we're also in the process of getting the house ready for sale. That has been where I have been dumping my focus, but I think (and DH thinks) it's making me cold toward YSS.

I need help. Suggestions on books or websites to visit would be great. Advice on dealing with teens like this would be helpful. Do we take him to his doctor and get a prescription for meds? My friend's daughter went through something similar, though worse, and she recommended a specific psychiatrist, but I don't know if that's overkill? DH and I both are waking up at any noise in the night wondering if that's YSS doing something harmful. Is it okay to leave him home by himself while we run errands, or should he be supervised?

This is running through both of our heads. Yes, I have my own therapy appointment scheduled, but earliest appointment is the beginning of February. I have two friends, the one I mentioned above and another SM, that I'm walking with weekly to talk to and get out with (as safe as possible). I'm trying to tale care of myself (going to grad school was a self-help measure).

Oh, did I also mention that DH and I are mid-fertility treatment? I'm very tempted to pause for a few months, at least on the invasive pieces. Selling the house will give us the cash for IVF, which we'll likely have to do, so it's not like we're getting to baby any faster or slower if we pause for a month.

If you're wondering where ET is in all of this, great question. I know she's getting packed to move and is "too sick" to work. But, as far as I know, she hasn't inquired about YSS's therapy, didn't go to his first in-person session, and hasn't been checking in on school work. Part of me gets it; this is exhausting. But, part of me wants to scream at her that this is (mostly) her fault. Her inability to see beyond her own desires and her inability to parent better than her mother has led to this. Don't misunderstand, I know DH effs up (and I'm mulling over how to call him on one thing here very soon). I know DH effed up. But there is a stark contrast between DH's eff ups as a parent (he can be pretty Disney, though more in the realm of "normal divorced Disney" not "Disney Daaadddeeeeeeee") and ET's eff ups as just a human.

Lastly, please don't tell me to disengage. I know I'm going to have to step back. DH made that clear to me last night. However, YSS wants help. He is a sweet, helpful kid who is struggling. He's not a hellion teenager. I want him to succeed, and I know I have to step back some. I'm more trying to figure out where I am useful in my marriage and family versus where I'm overstepping, and a blanket statement of "disengage" without reasoning isn't going to be helpful.


tog redux's picture

He absolutely should see a psychiatrist, I'm surprised he hasn't been referred to see one. At my clinic, we would ensure that any kid with suicidal thoughts saw a psychiatrist, even if they weren't prescribed meds. But if his depression and suicidal ideation are persisting, it's a wise idea to consider meds.

My sisters both did IVF, so I know how grueling and stressful it can be. I'd suggest yes, stop it for a month or two (I can't remember how old you are, but I think early-mid 30s, so you have time?) until you can get settled in the new house.

I don't blame you for being a bit resentful that your life is being upended this way. Even though you care about YSS, it's just one more way that ET's failures affect you.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Thank you, tog. I'll get in touch with my friend and get the number for the psychiatrist she used. I'll have DH ask the therapist at the next appointment if they plan to refer, and if not, have DH reach out directly. DH wants to give the process time, and I don't know how many weeks/months/sessions warrant saying "okay, we need a new approach".

I'm early 30s. I have a few years, so waiting a few months isn't, in theory, a big deal. As far as wr can tell, we're dealing with male factor issues related to DH's vasectomy and reversal. He has sperm, but likely not enough to conceive naturally and it's borderline for IUI. Great candidates for IVF, though.

My resentment toward ET rubs off on DH, and he doesn't like that because I get pissed that his resentment of ET rubs off on me from time to time. Difference is, that I don't think he sees, is that I didn't procreate with the she-beast. She isn't, and shouldn't be, my problem. He poor life decisions, and his reactions to them, should impact me minimally. But they don't. I'm allowed to be resentful of her, and be upset at how DH handles it. He doesn't get to take his poor decisions of f**king her at 17 out on me.

What's funny is the thing I need to talk to DH about is his inability to walk in someone else's shoes. He prides hinself on being able to see things from anyone's perspective - and he does a pretty decent job when it comes to broad groups of people or ideals held by them. But he 100% cannot understand how others around him behave, and he acts like he knows how others feel and think. He's particularly bad with the boys, calling them "his clones". It's funny sometimes because they share mannerisms, but with YSS, I keep telling him to shut up with it. DH never hid knives in his room as a teen. He might have failed school, but it was because he didn't care. YSS cares, and that's why it causes him anxiety (among other reasons). I need to put it plainly that he isn't YSS and he doesn't need to speak for him or protect him from me and the world. His perspective is skewed when it comes to those around him, and he needs to tale several seats.

tog redux's picture

Generally, psychiatrists now only prescribe and leave the therapy to therapists, so seeing one would be in combination with a therapist. If he/she doesn't think meds are warranted and therapy will be more beneficial, it may be a one-time consultation. 

I imagine this would stress any marriage. I know it would have stressed mine if SS came to live with us at 14. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I just wish I could give you a hug! You have such a big heart to take all of this on. Make sure to keep taking care of yourself during all of this. Infertility takes such a massive emotional toll on it's own (It took me 2 years to get my son), add that to everything else and it is a recipe for a break down. 

I hope that your SS's new therapist is going to start being able to make some progress. Has she suggested any medication for him yet?

nengooseus's picture

My guess is that BM wasn't parenting, leaving this kid to feel unruddered most of the time.  That's a scary feeling to start with, and then layer in a pandemic, being a freshman, and now the drama of moving, it's no wonder the kiddo's a mess.

I'm glad he's in therapy.  I hope he's seeing the therapist regularly (like weekly) and not periodocally like so many try to do nowadays.  (SS11's therapist is maybe monthly, unless HCBM is trying to prove how terrible DH is, then it's about every 2 weeks).  It would be wise to have him see a psychiatrist, but if you can't get in ASAP, take him to his PCP.  With depression and anxiety, they may be willing to prescribe medication, as well, and can coordinate with the psychiatrist, when the time comes.

Oh, and school.  I wouldn't worry so much about school if he's this bad off.  I would struggle in his shoes, too.  Focus on getting him to a better state mentally and the rest will fall in line.

And you!  Don't let this derail your plans to have a kiddo, if that's something you want to do.  It sounds like you've already struggled and there's no good time to have a kiddo.  If you delay because of SS's stuff, it seriously increases the likelihood of resentment over time.  If you're not 100% on your DH, that would be a reason to delay, though, so think seriously befor eyou decide.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

When we had issues with YSS's mental health we were told that he had to be evaluated by a senior consultant pyschiatrist so he could be assessed for therapy and ongoing care.  Please, get your DH to get him all the help he needs.  There is nothing wrong with getting him in front of a doctor.  If he had a burst appendix, you'd get him to a sugeon not a general practitioner.  Its the same with your SS's mental health.

This is important.  We were lucky as YSS OD'd on non lethal medication but it was still horiffic at the time.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Firstly, Lt Dad... {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Secondly, I have nothing on how to help YSS. We are currently dealing with SS18 issues in regards to school and BioHo - naturally - is of no help (unless you count yelling and threatening). 

As for the IVF: YES, take a break. <3

strugglingSM's picture


You could try contacting his school guidance counselor. They may be able to point you to local resources in the area for teens with suicidal ideation. They will also likely tell you that if he threatens self harm that you should call 911. That may also get him access to inpatient services, which could be helpful for him, although that depends on the teen and the services. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of mental health supports, especially for children / teens, in many parts of the country and I imagine the supports that do exist are stretched pretty thin due to the pandemic.

Good luck! I'm sorry you have to clean up after ET. Your SS is lucky to have you. 


lieutenant_dad's picture

Thanks folks. DH is taking this seriously. He set up therapy right away. YSS had an intake the morning after he came to stay with us, and his first appointment the following week. My concern is more DH and YSS not being totally honest about what is happening.

YSS's next appointment is Tuesday, and he is going EOW for therapy (at least for right now; might change when DH mentions the knife; it had been missing for a long time, and I just assumed it got thrown away at one point). I told DH to mention a psychiatrist, and YSS has his upcoming annual physical, too. I'm hoping between the therapist and GP that someone mentions meds and psychiatrist besides me.

No firearms in the house. I do have some older knives that I'm going to throw out so I can monitor the block I have. No prescription meds that he can OD on, and any we do have are in our bathroom. I may move all the cleaning supplies to our bathroom except some Clorox Wipes because that seems hard to poison yourself with (though maybe not). DH and YSS have cleaned out his room (which is how he found the knife), and doesn't seem DH found anything else. DH and I are both working from home for the next several months, so YSS can't sneak past us during the day. I don't know there is much else we can do.

DH and I had a talk this morning and I laid out things he needed to consider differently. With school, he needs to inform all the teachers about what is going on and see if they'll give extensions for YSS to catch up on work. We talked about a few other things, too, like consulting an attorney. I also cancelled my fertility appointment that I had this weekend. That hurt, but I actually feel slightly less stressed with having that not looming over my head.

There is some stuff I'm not sharing for privacy reasons. But, yes, ET has spent a long time ignoring YSS's needs and just yelling at the problem, hoping it would go away. This is going to be a slow process, and I don't do that well.

tog redux's picture

Ask the doctor to write a letter recommending that SS be given extra support to make up work due to depression - they will likely need that to give him any accommodations. 

MissK03's picture

Well, I have no advice as what to do you with suicidal thoughts portion of YSS. I just have a few thoughts on what helped SS17 while he was in and out of therapy. 

SO took him for years to a female therapist. IMO.. SO was using her as kind of a replacement "mom figure." He was talking him years before he met me and about year and half of me being with him. I didn't see her helping him really. He also went to a psychiatrist to prescribe meds. 

He was on and off stuff for a long time that really didn't do much either.

Then.. he was getting more and more out of control with his outburst, physical towards SO, which at the time SO was a foot taller and 100lbs heavier so not like he was going to win that battle. 

SO made an appointment to see a male psychologist. This guy actually was helping him. He wasn't putting up with SS17s excuses etc. Told SO in front of him if he ever puts his hands on you again call the police. Then COVID hit and that was the last of him going. 

He hasn't been  nearly as bad but April/may were rough. 

So because your SS and SS17 seem to struggle with emotions surrounding their BMs I suggest having him talk to male vs a female.

I blame BM for all SS17s problems. No one is going to tell me differently. SO has parented him the best he can. BM never did anything with therapy etc. It was solely on SO. I totally understand your resentment towards ET. 

Good luck with everything! 

24 years as a SM's picture

My youngest GS17 took 20 Tylenol. GS17 was online with friends and made a comment about taking the Tylenol, earlier in the day. Thank God, his friend called my DS and let him know what was going on, this was at 2 in the morning, right after Thanksgiving. We took him to the hospital and they gave him N-acetlcysteine in an IV for two days, then he was sent to another hospital, for a 72 hour hold and evaluation. He ended up staying for 7 days, when he came home they sent in an RX for Prozac and has ZOOM meetings with a local therapist weekly.

Little background on GS17, he was molested when he was younger, he is a very gentle soul and an introvert. He was going to a therapist prior to the overdose. The triggered for the overdose was him breaking up with his girlfriend and her telling anyone and everyone that GS17 was molested. All of her friends were bullying him over the internet and he never said a word to his dad or anyone else. Teenagers can be vicious little bastards and have a wild dog pack mentality. Now GS17 doesn't trust very many people, and will not talk about the past with anyone outside the family or therapists.

Tylenol can damage the liver, in some cases a person would end up with complete liver failure and need a transplant.

If your SS ever mentions killing himself again, get him to the hospital asap, there are people that can help him. 

CLove's picture

Youve got a lot on your plate.

As someone who went through the "Freshman year going online and kiddo not doing assignments and lying about it", I did all you did - zoom meetings with teachers, etc. Munchkin was so completely overwhelmed! And didnt ask for any help, not until we put her on the spot. And it was horrible.

Here is what I did to get her back on track:

1. I made an excel spreadsheet of EVERY single assignment that was missing and that was coming up. Prioritised as 1st, 2nd and 3rd. So she could focus on a few things that were most important. I broke it down into chunks that were "easier to chew on". With each assignment she completed and turned in, the weight was visibly lightened, she grew visibly happier. Every assignment we checked off...

2. Incentives. YUP. Found out what she wanted, and got it.

3. Got her google classroom credentials. So I could basically see EVERYTHING. And required turn in the day before it was due. When she had difficulty with something, I asked her how I can help. She didnt have required art supplies. Ok, lets get them. Worked on assignments with her that she was confused on. Oh, your having a problem with that? Office hours for you Munchkin! The teacher will walk you through it!

The other stuff - well as we worked on things and she got the attention she needed, the anxiety went away largely.

Hugs to you and yours - this is really hard!

JRI's picture

I dont have the good suggestions that the others have given but I wanted to let you know I'll be thinking about you all and hoping for the best possible outcome.  I know what it's like to have a child move in unexpectedly and also know what it's like to have a young teen boy move in.  It is all-consuming, and on top of that, you have your treatments, the house and grad school.  I feel for you.  Just do what must be done today, take deep breaths.  You are doing your best.  No matter what happens, you can say you did your best.  Good luck, Lieutenant Dad.

Uncomfortable's picture

You & you're family are going though this!  We're in pretty much the exact same boat here, I know how overwhelming it is. 

Going though this, one thing I learned was to put mental health & safety first, everything else is low priority.  On top of the great advice you've already received on getting him professional help & evaluated for meds, definitely reach out to his school counselor and let them know he's struggling.

 I would also consider reaching out to his individual teachers as well.  Most will be extremely understanding once they're made aware of the situation.  I looked at my sons classes and prioritized the AP and college credit courses.  Then we asked him which of those he could realistically keep up with.  The rest?  Well.... he'll have to take those again later if he fails but the risk is too high at this point to worry about it. 

Another thing that helped us is agree to a communication system. My son has led lights in his room & when he turns them a certain color, that's our cue that he needs support & is a danger to himself.  This helped bc even though we felt we were easy to talk to, he didn't feel that way.  

Also, look up a agreement to not self-harm contract on the web, print, discuss & sign as a family.  Don't sign it & forget it, talk about it everyday.  "Do you feel like you can uphold the contract today?" 

I hope these help.  Good luck to you & your family.  This is such a rough road. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Oh lt, what lot to cope with. I can't add much to the thread, but I empathize and think you're doing a great job.

BPD YSD attempted suicide at nineteen. Pills. It was one of those times she was facing consequences for lies, and her delusions about a boy she liked had been destroyed. DH and I were on vacation 450 miles away. Our neighbor called to tell us there was an ambulance taking YSD out of our house. We broke many laws driving home, and I can't begin to describe the fear, worry, and anxiety. At the hospital, YSD was evaluated and had her stomach pumped. We asked for a psych hold, but YSD was an adult and it wasn't recommended, so we brought her home. There was no support, no guidance or recommendations back then. It was ... difficult, and felt like we were walking on eggshells WHILE being held hostage.

Your SS is fortunate to be in a supportive, stable environment, with adults who are committed to helping him. Still, you have to practice self care and I think postponing fertility treatments is a good decision. You'll need to be ruthless about managing what's allowed on your plate. Can you get SS engaged in projects to prep the house and find a new one? Might be a diversion, and give him something to look forward to.

I feel for you, lt. It's a lot, and it's heavy, and it's frightening. But to be frank, your SSs are bound to have some issues courtesy of ET, and it's kind of a win for them to manifest now rather than plague the SSs later in life. YSS can get tools and strategies NOW that will serve him well going forward. ET is a problem these boys will have to cope with indefinitely, and again, I'm glad they have their dad and you supporting them. (((hugs)))


ndc's picture

Does YSS have an IEP at school? If not,  I'd request a meeting and evaluation ASAP. It sounds like school is a huge part of his stress,  and he doesn't need that now.  He needs support from school,  not stress. Anxiety and depression are reasons for an IEP and accommodations.  My sister had an IEP in HS for that reason and got a lot of help from the school.  If he's really in bad shape, school can wait. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

Hello again, and thanks a second a second time for the support.

To answer some additional questions:

No, DH and I can't homeschool YSS. DH is the primary breadwinner (not that I bring in scraps), and he can't stop working to school YSS full-time. If I thought DH could get CS consistently, and in a similar amount to what he had to pay, maybe. But with ET not working, DH not working, even for a good reason, isn't possible. I won't be the sole financial provider to the SKs.

Additionally, I don't think he'd do well in homeschooling. YSS isn't overly social, but he already feels isolated. Taking away his outlet seems like a bad call. We contemplated moving him to our district, but it's far more traditional rural US school. YSS's school offers a lot of services and programs that will be helpful (we think) in getting YSS to graduate. Us moving puts us in the better school for YSS.

And honestly, we need a bigger house. Our house is fine for weekends and holidays, but not for YSS living here full-time. Not when we are actively trying to expand the family, too. We have a great starter house that we've outgrown, so I'm not grumped by moving (I've actually wanted to for the last year, but DH wanted to move to the other side of the city and wouldn't do that until YSS could at least drive).

YSS doesn't have an IEP, and DH hasn't reached out to the school counselor. I have, however, been reading these suggestions to DH, and he seems to be warming to them. I think he'll be more receptive after YSS's appointment on Tuesday, and I'm crafting a list of questions for the therapist on what we should/could be doing to help YSS right now (including letting him fail two of his classes and having him retake them in the summer to help spread it all out). We also discovered a way for him to view all of his assignments in order last night, and that made YSS sigh an audible sigh of relief. You could see him loosen up a bit when we showed him. Not sure if it will improve his school work, but he did say that helped his stress some.

Regarding the new house, we're going to try and incorporate him into that process a little more. He has expressed he'd like a bigger room, which is going to be hard to accomdate with the kinds of houses in the area. However, it's making me look at places with bonus rooms or basements so he has his bedroom and a "hang out" room. We're also going to let him pick out a new bedroom set when we move. Right now, he's using hand-me-down furniture, which was fine for weekends and holidays. Not great as a fully-functioning room you live in everyday.

Regarding a strict schedule, I'm in agreeance, and DH is to a point. He is really waiting for the therapist to give him guidance, and I don't think he's going to give it unless DH asks for specific guidance. DH doesn't like therapy (makes him more jittery and anxious), so he's not doing a good job of interacting with it. I'm keeping a list of questions we both have, though, for DH to take in.

DH really liked the LED light idea as a "YSS mood ring" of sorts. I added it to the list of things to buy YSS.

We talked about him consulting an attorney to get custody settled in court. DH doesn't want to go to court yet. Like, adamently doesn't want to. But, I explained talking to an attorney would at least give him a timeline, help him find out what he needs to gather documentation-wise, etc. So, I am going to see if my EAP will let me use the discounted legal services for this. If not, we'll attorney-shop.

I am sure I am missing some questions. Please know that I am taking all of this and laying it out to DH so he can decide how to proceed. Yes, I am doing a lot of the leg work right now, and DH and I talked about that yesterday, too. I don't mind right now because it's distracting me and keeping me busy (I already struggle this time of year with feeling cooped up without a pandemic keeping me home, so having "projects" is helping this drury month go by quickly). But, he has to step up. I'll draft the emails, but he has to send them. I'll give him attorney names, but he has to call. I'll be as supportive and push him as far as I can, but he has to make an effort. He's also emotionally raw at the moment, but I can't help that. I have my own therapy set up to deal with my side. He'll have to find an outlet for his.

I will say, for self-care for him, I'm proud that he's still trying to quit smoking through this, and doing really well at it. He's also still taking all his fertility meds (I really thought that would go out the window), and he hasn't fallen back into drinking cans of Monster everyday. Those were his coping mechanisms, and he hasn't just said "eff it". He is also willing to converse with my friend mentioned above who went through this with her daughter. I think having someone he can talk to about this would be majorly helpful for both of them. And I think hearing it from someone else than me will also help.

I do feel like I'm making excuses for DH, and I probably am. He has a lot of thoughts and feelings running through his head, and he feels like he has failed me and his son. He's also dealing with a very stressful time at work, and I think the pressure of being the breadwinner AND the single father to a very broken kid AND having a looming court date and move on the horizon is affecting him the exact opposite it is me. I'm looking for solutions to rapid-fire, and he wants to curl up into a hole. Yes, he's dealing with his own depression, and we talked that he needs to see a doctor to at least get meds. He's not thrilled about the prospect of yet another pill .(he's taking 6 for fertility), but it would be good to show YSS that there shouldn't be stigma around his mental health.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for these tips. You've been a treasure trove of information, and I cannot express how much that helps right now between therapy sessions when we're scared sh*tless that we'll wake up one morning with YSS dead in his bedroom.

ETA: We did book something fun tonight. We're doing an escape room, which should be fairly safe since it'll just be us and I carry an insane amount of hand sanitizer (and masks, of course). My mom and I are running errands this morning to give DH and YSS some time to chat and get his room settled. I told DH to forget about school work today; give YSS a day to breathe. We can hit it tomorrow.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Glad to hear you'll be doing something fun as a family tonight. Hope it helps each of you decompress a bit.

 I do hope your DH reconsiders filing to change custody and c.s. Not only will it make things official, but it will stop his c.s. to ET. Having a teen full time gets EXPENSIVE, especially one with health issues, and your household expenses are about to increase significantly. Whether you ask for a token amount of c.s. from ET is something to be discussed between you, but I'm sure you've read my thoughts on the matter.