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Stepmom bashing at its finest...

lieutenant_dad's picture

I am on a pregnancy forum so I dont bother all of you with my pregnancy-related crazy questions. Of course, there are SMs on that forum who post some pretty mundane things related to blending families.

Well, someone posted about sick SKs coming to their house and the BM not giving anyone a heads up that SKs are sick before they come over. Of course, the poster doesn't want sick SK over because she's 9 months pregnant with a toddler, in the middle of a flu/COVID/RSV spike - at least not without some warning about the kid being sick.

"I just feel SO BAD that your SS knows you don't want him around!"

"It's SO CLEAR you don't like your SS!"

"Does your DH know you don't want his son around?"

"How do you think it makes your SS feel that he isn't wanted because he's sick?"

Thank god there are reasonable SMs on there reassuring this poor woman that she isn't wrong for how she feels. I dang near lost my mind when YSK came down with COVID only to find out that ET had been sick the weekend they went over and didn't say anything until after the fact! They missed the first 1.5 weeks of school because of that.

Of course, no one wants to call out the BM in the situation for her lack of communication, which would literally solve the problem. Nope, can't POSSIBLY have that now, can we?


CLove's picture

SD16 was sick with a cold during her week with us. I had a dental procedure scheduled, and work with two folks who cannot get sick.

As soon as I saw her coughing and snotty I just told her "whoa stay away from me, I cant get sick". No drama. But yeah, if I was pregnant and with a kiddo, Id be like "get your sack of germs away from me"...

Ispofacto's picture

DS31 had a baby boy the first week of August, he was lucky it went okay.  DIL had covid during delivery and passed out whilst pushing.  It was their first baby and a traumatic experience for them.  They were quarantined in the hospital, no visitors, and we had to leave diapers at their apartment door once they got released.

I saw this pop up earlier this week and felt a pang of relief that they made it

The BM from your message board is a POS ghoul, those SMs a bunch of twunts.


ESMOD's picture

I would be highly irritated.. even not preg. if my DH's EX sent kids over sick.

Listen.. I just feel like kids should quarantine where they are.. if they got sick at OUR house?  I would be advocating for them just staying... of course reasonably separated from the rest of the household!  It just seems mean to make kids who feel like dog crap shift households.

Rags's picture

people on the pregnancy site who are flocking to protect the fee fees of the sick 9yo are so right.

When I called my bride to tell her I had a two day close proxity exposure to my COVID positive office mate she gave me the "Oh hell no. I am moving to the guest room, you will stay in the back half of the house and stay the hell away from me. If you walk out of the back half of the house you will be in a mask, you will sanitize your hands before and after you touch anything, and you will disinfect any door knobs, faucets, toilet seats and flush handles/buttons, remotes, etc....."

So, I was the leper in the locked room (not really in a locked room) at the back of the house for my 14+ day exposure then COVID positive Christmas season last year.  At least I could work from home so I didn't go totally insane.

This poor virus/bacteria infested kid is so abused by the uncaring, pregnant, toddler mothering evil SM.


These moron kid worshiping out of touch with reality dipshits make me wanna puke. BM should have kept her infected kid at home and daddy should have made damned sure that his microbially infested failed former family 9yo progeny got nowhere near his toddler, unborn 9mo in utero child, and extremely pregnant wife.




strugglingSM's picture

I feel this one so much. I basically isolated myself when SSs came over in the early covid days because I was pregnant and I knew BM was not taking precautions. Skids repeatedly told me "mom told us kids don't get covid." Then of course, when my daughter was a year, one came over sick and sure enough tested him Saturday morning (barely 12 hours after he arrived) and he had covid. DH and I (who barely went anywhere to protect ourselves), both got it. Now, expecting baby #2 and will work to isolate again after baby is born because I don't need him going to the hospital because his older brothers (and BM) think that illness can't happen to them. And yes, all these people commenting have never known the joy of being a stepmom (lol). 

thinkthrice's picture

The Girhippo used to send the 3 ferals when they had fevers and projectile vomiting, especially when she was performing her mating rituals in search of Chef's replacement.

And of course Chef "didn't mind. "   This was when my salary was the only thing supporting me, Chef and the visitations as Chef's wages were hoovered via CS.

Between the stress of it all, having my own grown bios that went through the various childhood illnesses, etc etc, that was the LAST thing I needed.  I did NOT need to be calling in sick.

On the bright side, the ONLY time they were well behaved was when they were ill.

Elea's picture

I am happy to keep my BK's with me when they are sick. I definitely would not pawn them off on a pregnant SM.

I also don't want my SDiablas over here when they are sick, especially since they view BM as their primary parent. She is a control freak and badmouths to keep them feeling sorry for her. They can stay with her and get her sick. 

 I understand that for those dealing with a HC ex it may make more sense to stick to the CO. 

thinkthrice's picture

I never sent my bios to visitation when they were ill.   I would wait until they were better and then make up the time if their fathers (my ex husbands)  wanted to do so.

PetSpoiler's picture

So lacking.  When a kid is sick, they need to stay where they are.  As much as we had issues with BM at times, she had the common sense and enough maternal love that she'd keep SS at home if he was sick.  I don't remember her ever sending him to us if he was sick and when he came to live here, we would've kept him home if he was sick.  She would've understood that.  As for SS, the last thing he would've wanted to do was get in the car to go wherever.  It had nothing to do with us or BM not wanting him.  Some people need to get a grip.