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BM seriously..trashy c***!

LittlePanda's picture

Ok, so BM has been out of jail for what?? A month? And she already has a new live in boyfriend at her mom's house. Seriously? What is wrong with her and what is wrong with grandma for allowing this trashy shit? And worse, SD asked to call her mom today (keep in mind that BM has not called SD yet at all, even now that she is out of jail.) Of course we let her, and while she is on the phone she asks to talk to the boyfriend! Ummmm what? Some guy SD7 has only met 2 x ever (the 2 visits she has had with BM this month?) Oh, my husband was soooooo annoyed. He asked her why she asked to speak to him and told her he thought it was really very weird. Maybe he shouldn't have said that, but what the hell? Who the hell is BM's boyfriend to SD7?! My husband was really irritated by it and thought SD was just as dumb as her mother in that moment I think. This was not in front of SD, btw, this was his reaction to me when SD went upstairs to shower. He looked and spoke as if his own child where just as stupid as her mother. I know it must have hurt him that she cared about some guy her mom is fucking. In a way, I feel so sorry for my husband. He is the one who has had SD majority of her life, yet, SD is soooo BM's daughter. SD is NOTHING that my husband would ever want in a child. SD is BM. The effect that this has on my husband and his relationship with SD is very clear to me. He loves her, he cares for her, he is kind to her....but...well..he made his poor parenting choices early on and now we get to live with that.

I wonder if the new boyfriend knows that BM is Hep C pos. I bet he will be the one to knock her up. I predicted it a few months's bound to happen.

Ugh..trashy as FUCK. And why does SD give a shit? Yeah, yeah, she loves her junky, idiot of a mother...I know.


LittlePanda's picture

Well they live with grandma so, it's not really "on her own." I made sure that SD wasn't sleeping in the room with boyfriend, also. She says she sleeps in grandmas bed. I mean, SD has her own bedroom there but Id bet 500$ that they have never actually made her sleep in it! hah.

I mentioned to my husband that because he has full custody and BM has no legal visitation he can set the rules "no boyfriends spending the night." But he is probably too passive to ever say that to BM or grandmother. I don't know how he could be though, if it were me and my daughter you can bet your ass I would have called the second I found out some dude was sleeping over. This is the 3rd guy that has lived with BM at grandmothers house since late 2011 and she spent most of 2012 in jail!

I'd love for my husband to stand up for himself and his kid by saying something to BM about it, but I know he wont. What a shame. Especially if one of these boyfriends ever does anything to SD.

Kilgore SMom's picture

I would be concerned about letting Bm have Sd for a sleep over. Not all grandparents are 100% trust worthly. Sometimes not lieing out right, but just not saying anything. Or hiding stuff that you may not like if you knew.
If BM has not legal visits. I would keep it to day time only as long as the boyfriend lives there.

We've learened the hard way that its best to go by the court order always.