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Well played, BM, well played.

livizzle's picture

FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK, we were led to believe that SS8's baseball game was at 7p. DH even worked a half day on his day off to ensure that he could leave early tonight to make it to the game.

Well, DH just called me in a PANIC at 5:15p.

DH: I'm headed home, and we're gonna have to HURRY!
Me: Huh? For what? Thought you were leaving at 5:30?
DH: SS8 just called to tell me that his game is at 6!
Me: Oh, well, I just started dinner. I thought we'd have time to eat before heading out.
DH: Don't be mad at me.
Me: I'm not. Don't worry, I'll just throw money in the garbage. It's cool. You can take us out.

Now, we live 45 minutes away from the ball field and DH has a 20 minute drive home. Think we're gonna make it? Me neither.


theoutsider's picture

We supply BM with a scaned emailed copy of EVERYTHING any coach, teacher, or club leader sends home with the kids. She always knows when and where every game will be,... eventhough she ONLY goes SOME of the time, and then it's ONLY when her visitation starts at the end of the game and she can be all "mother of the year" and corral her children together and make a big deal that they are going home with her, kind sick if you ask me,... but yeah, anyways

Ask for a photo copy of the original, that should be a part of the CO to get all school related material (I'm assuming the kid signed up through school)
Otherwise get the coaches phone number and call the coach and explain the situation, most coaches WANT the parents to be there fo the kids and he will be happy to print off an extra copy of the schedule for you if BM won't.

theoutsider's picture

FDH helps coach FSS ball team.

After tonights game, he looked around for the girls to give bye hugs and BM had already made them go sot and wait in the car, while she was standing and yelling for her son to stop helping his dad and the other coach put the equipment up,...(all the other parents and kids were in the parking lot out of earshot)... So he didn't even get to see them....

And the only reason BM showed up was because FSS stayed with us last night because he had a "during the day" practice so he could pitch tonight,... She couldn't get him top the practice so he stayed with us.
so she had to show up to the game to get her son,... But she'd be damned if FDH got to give the girls a hug!

What a B!T@#