Anxiety about upcoming weekend
My MIL was admitted to the hosp. on Xmas eve. It was a major shock and very stressful time as she is really healthy.
DH texted sd18 and told her about MIL and now sd and Sasquatch intend to come to our town to see MIL in the hosp. this weekend. Sd hasn't talked to MIL for at least a year and Sasquatch hasn't spoke to MIL or seen her in YEARS (at least 4 that I'm sure.) MIL is not a fan of sd or Sasquatch. She and I have had many chats about them and she has helped me a lot in my stepparenting with them both.
I've been to the hosp to see her everyday and yesterday was the first day she was conscious.
My worst fear is Sasquatch showing up while I'm at the hosp. visiting this weekend. Sd and Sas. change plans like underwear so she may not even come, but the anticipation of running into her is giving me heartburn.
I just don't understand why Sasquatch can't send a card instead of coming???
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Dh and Sasquatch have been
Dh and Sasquatch have been divorced since 2001. I think not being a prt of a family for 14 years would be enough to keep me from going to see my ex mil. But Sasquatch is the type that always inserts herself. She always felt she was right to walk into my house when she dropped off sd and she always felt is was ok to call and chat with Dh about her bf problem, etc. She is just a little too comfortable with herself as if everyone loves her because she's who she is.
I just hope they don't come. MIL wouldn't ask "why didn't sd18 or Sasquatch come see me in the hospital?" I promise you.
Ugh. I hope for your sake
Ugh. I hope for your sake that they don't come.
Can't your DH just tell them that she doesn't want visitors? The last thing I would want if I was in the hospital, is visitors that I do not care for.
The hospital will keep her
The hospital will keep her from visiting if your husband doesn't want her too. Probably easier to tell them who can visit rather than who can't. They will even make MIL "private" - if someone calls the hospital they won't even tell them she is there. (if they don't know what hospital she is in.)
I was in a similar situation - made sure all the nurses knew me and told them personally who was and wasn't to be in the room.
In this case, HIPPA can be your friend.
If sd does come which is
If sd does come which is still in the air, I'm going to suggest Dh take her to see mil. Sasquatch may not go on her own.

MIL is H's STmom so maybe her bio sons will keep visitors to a minimum.
They only let me see her today for 10 mins or so - she is doing a lot better but not even close to being recovered. She is talking and joking which made me really hopeful. I care for her so much, I wish this wasn't happening to her.